Conflict Resolution

Meet AC4 Visiting Scholar, Michael Gross

by |November 21st, 2016

Dr. Michael Gross is a Visiting Research Scholar at AC4 this Fall 2016, coming from Colorado State University. Dr. Gross is the Editor-in-Chief for Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, the 2016 Past Division Chair, Conflict Management Division, Academy of Management, and the 2015 recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award for the College of Business…. read more

VIDEO: A Window of Hope: El Salvador’s Opportunity to Address History of Violence

by |November 16th, 2012

This video (in Spanish) was provided by Steve Vigil in New York from the Transnational Advisory Group in Support of the Peace Process in El-Salvador (TAGSPPES)who was part of a delegation to El Salvador to observe the gang truce between MS 13 and 18th St that has originated in the nations prisons. The delegation was… read more

AC4 Co-Director speaks at TEDxMIA: Why We are Stuck: The Attraction of a Polarized America

by |November 2nd, 2012

In this TEDx talk in Miami, Columbia University Professor Peter T. Coleman explains why politics in the US are more deadlocked and polarized today than they have been since the end of the US Civil War, and what our next president and our citizens can do about it. Applying ideas from complexity science, Dr. Coleman… read more

Categories: News

“American Force” – CSPAN Book Talk with Professor Richard Betts

by |July 16th, 2012

In his latest book, American Force: Dangers, Delusions, and Dilemmas in National Security, Columbia University’s Professor Richard Betts explores the effects of America’s engagement in past and present wars.  He examines how the military role of the US has shifted over the last few decades. Watch this book talk with Professor Betts. The interview, part of… read more

“End-Game: Afghanistan” – Video Coverage of the Eighth Annual Saltzman Forum

by |June 27th, 2012

The Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies at Columbia University hosted its Eighth Annual Saltzman Forum on April 13, 2012.  Speakers included Ahmed Rashid, a Pakistani journalist and writer who has written extensively on the Taliban, and David Rohde, a columnist for Reuters and The Atlantic Magazine who wrote for The New… read more

What Are Intractable Conflicts? – A Video Series with Dr. Peter Coleman

by |June 19th, 2012

The Five Percent Problem AC4′s Dr. Peter Coleman defines intractable conflicts, the five percent of international conflicts that are seemingly impossible to resolve.  These types of conflicts, however, can exist on a personal or global scale.  He highlights what we can do when we find ourselves in these types of conflicts. A Conflict at Columbia… read more