2011-2012 Grant Recipients

AC4’s 2011-2012 Faculty Grant Cohort

Research Grant Recipient – $5,000

Picture of Carine Ezzedine Allaf - 2012 Faculty Grant RecipientCarine Ezzedine Allaf
Teachers College
International and Transcultural Studies


AC4-Sponsored Research

Having worked closely with Save the Children’s Middle East/Eurasia regional and Occupied Palestinian Territories (oPt) Office, Dr. Allaf was the lead researcher of a 5-step process of a study on youth in Gaza and their experiences with conflict in their schools, communities, and homes. The five steps included: 1) translating Save the Children’s Youth Conflict & Tolerance Survey (YCTS) Tool into Arabic; 2) holding in-depth conversations with youth including focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews to contextualize and adapt the issues and questions on the tool to the situation in Gaza; 3) implementing a pilot study using the adapted tool in Arabic; 4) conducting a temporal-stability test; and 5) fully administering the YCTS Tool including data collection, analysis, and report-writing.  The findings from this in-depth study resulted in reports on youth, conflict, and tolerance in the everyday lives of youth in Gaza. This nuanced perspective informs both policy and programming, shedding light on unexpected outcomes.


Large Research Grant Recipient – $25,000

Picture of Susan Kraham - 2012 Large Faculty Grant RecipientSusan Kraham
Law School
Environmental Law


AC4-Sponsored Research

The Environmental Law Clinic and Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment designed a joint project focusing on the assessment of cumulative environmental impacts of extractive industries in low-income countries. The project aimed to better inform the pre-contracting stage of foreign direct investment in these industries, looking forward to a scheme that foresees cumulative impacts in the economy, society and the environment and uses appropriate tools to avoid and mitigate negative impacts before a project is approved.

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