Explanation: Personnel Changes

Explanation: Personnel Changes
Date | Action | Agency | Explanation | Scientists Affected | Summary | |
2019-10-01 | Trump Administration Axes Federal Advisory Committee Focused on Invasive Species | DOI, Federal | Personnel Changes | Other | The Department of the Interior’s Invasive Species Advisory Committee was discontinued at the direction of the Trump administration. |
2019-10-01 | Trump Administration Axes Federal Advisory Committee at the Department of Commerce | DOC, Federal | Personnel Changes | Other | NOAA’s Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee has been discontinued at the direction of the Trump administration. |
2019-08-09 | White House Chief of Staff Claims USDA Move Was Deliberate Attempt to Reduce Agency Workforce | Federal, USDA | Personnel Changes | Other | Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said that moving USDA groups out of DC to Kansas City was done to reduce the agency’s workforce. |
2019-08-07 | U.S. Navy Shuts Task Force on Climate Change | DOD, Federal | Government Censorship, Personnel Changes | The U.S. Navy has quietly shut down its Task Force on Climate Change |
2019-06-14 | One-Third of Advisory Committees to be Terminated | Federal, White House | Personnel Changes | Climate, Other | President Trump issued an executive order directing federal agencies to terminate “at least one-third” of their current advisory committees. Critics argue that this will limit the scientific information and advice available to federal agencies and thus undermine science-based decision-making. |
2019-02-21 | Climate Change Panel Disbanded by Alaska Governor | AK, State | Personnel Changes | Climate | Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy disbanded the Climate Change for Alaska Leadership Team. The team was established in 2017 by then Governor Bill Walker to advise on strategies for addressing climate change. |
2019-02-19 | FEMA Science Panel Unofficially Suspended | DHS, Federal, White House | Personnel Changes | Climate, Other | The Technical Mapping Advisory Council (TMAC) — a scientific panel charged with advising the Federal Emergency Management Agency — has not met in almost 5 months. During that period, TMAC has lacked a quorum, reportedly because the White House and Department of Homeland Security have delayed issuing security clearances to new members. |
2018-12-20 | CDC Climate Office Reorganized and Staff Reassigned | Federal, HHS | Personnel Changes | Climate | The CDC’s Climate and Health Program office was merged with its National Asthma Control Program office. Prior to the merger, the CDC issued a dismissal notice to the head of the Climate and Health Program, Dr. George Luber, but later withdrew it after he threatened to bring legal proceedings. The CDC subsequently reassigned Dr. Luber to its waterborne diseases unit. |
2018-10-11 | EPA Science Panel Disbanded | EPA, Federal | Personnel Changes | Other | EPA announced that it was disbanding the particulate matter review panel. The panel has historically provided advice to EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee on the need for changes to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for particulate matter. |
2018-09-27 | EPA’s Office of the Science Advisor to be Closed | EPA, Federal | Personnel Changes | Climate, Other | EPA is reportedly planning to close its Office of the Science Advisor. According to its website, the office is responsible for “science policy development and implementation” at EPA, and aims to “ensure that the highest quality science is better integrated into the Agency’s policies and decisions.” |
2018-09 | EPA Scientists Responsible for Preparing Chemical Assessments Reassigned | EPA, Federal | Personnel Changes | Other | Staff in EPA’s Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) program were forced to stop work on chemical risk assessments after agency officials commenced a review of the program’s priorities. 28 of IRIS’s 30 staff were subsequently directed to spend 25 to 50 percent of their time working with EPA’s Office of Pollution Prevention. |
2018-09 | EPA’s Office of Children’s Health Omitted from New Organizational Chart | EPA, Federal | Personnel Changes | Climate, Other | EPA issued a new organizational chart which omitted any reference to the Office of Children’s Health Protection (OCHP). The Director of OCHP, Dr. Ruth Etzel, was subsequently placed on administrative leave without explanation. This followed several months of what Dr. Etzel described as “guerrilla warefare,” being waged by top EPA leaders, as part of an effort to “disappear” OCHP. |
2018-06-22 | North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Budget Cut | NC, State | Budget Cuts, Personnel Changes | Other | The North Carolina legislature rejected a proposal from Governor Roy Cooper to increase funding for the state Department of Environmental Quality to enable it to hire scientists to work on water pollution issues. Instead, the legislature voted to cut the Department’s funding by $1.8 million, which critics say will lead to job losses. |
2018-06-20 | Three EPA Advisory Committees Disbanded | EPA, Federal | Personnel Changes | Other | EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) announced that it was disbanding three sub-committees — the Ecological Processes and Effects Committee, Environmental Engineering Committee, and Environmental Economics Advisory Committee — “[o]n the recommendation of the SAB Staff Office.” |
2018-05 | Engineering Positions in Virginia Beach’s Stormwater Division Eliminated | Local Govt., State, VA | Budget Cuts, Personnel Changes | Climate | The Virginia Beach city council announced that it would suspend a storm water fee increase, which was intended to pay for additional staff to work on issues relating to sea level rise. As a result of the suspension, nine staff positions will be left unfilled. |
2018-03-29 | DOL Advisory Boards Suspended | DOL, Federal | Personnel Changes | Other | One DOL advisory board – the Council on Occupational Safety and Health – has been disbanded and four others have had their operations suspended. As of March 2018, the boards had not met in at least nine months. |
2018-03-28 | DOD Advisory Panel Disbanded | DOD, Federal | Personnel Changes | Other | The U.S. Department of Defense announced that it would cancel the Jason research program. Established in the 1950s, the program brings together approximately 50 academic scientists to research and advise on various national security issues, including with respect to nuclear weapons systems. |
2018-03-06 | EPA Science Advisory Board Unofficially Suspended | EPA, Federal | Personnel Changes | Climate, Other | As of March 2018, EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) had not met in at least six months, leading to concerns among members that EPA is trying to sideline the board. According to members, ordinarily, the SAB would have multiple interactions (including in-person meetings and teleconferences) during any six month period. |
2018-02-27 | EPA Research Center to be Eliminated | EPA, Federal | Budget Cuts, Personnel Changes | Other | EPA’s National Center for Environmental Research, which distributes grants for research on the effects of chemical exposure, will be eliminated as part of an agency reorganization involving the merger of three research offices. |
2018-02-06 | National Science and Technology Council to be Restructured | Federal, White House | Personnel Changes | Climate, Other | The White House announced plans to restructure the interagency National Science and Technology Council, which was established in 1993 to coordinate science policy across the federal government. The restructure will be overseen by the Office of Science and Technology Policy, which has requested input from 20 federal agencies. |
2018-02 | DOI Secretary Accused of Breaching Scientific Integrity Policy | DOI, Federal | Personnel Changes | Climate, Other | Two senior scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey resigned in protest over an alleged breach of the USGS’s scientific integrity policy by the Secretary of the Interior. |
2018-01 | Unqualified Individuals Appointed to Florida Wildlife Commission | FL, State | Personnel Changes | Other | Florida Governor Rick Scott appointed three individuals with little or no experience in wildlife management to the state’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. |
2017-12-31 | Trump Administration Fails to Fill Science Positions | Federal, White House | Personnel Changes | Climate, Other | As of December 31, 2017, President Trump had filled fewer government science positions than any other recent President, at the same point in time. Just 20 of the 83 positions designated by the National Academies of Sciences as “science appointees” had been filled. |
2017-12-08 | Oklahoma Health Department Staff Laid Off | OK, State | Personnel Changes | Other | Following discovery of a $30 billion budget gap, the Oklahoma Department of Health announced that it would lay off 198 staff, and would be unable to fill existing open positions, including several in the epidemiology department. |
2017-12-06 | Unqualified Individuals Appointed to Missouri Clean Water Commission | MO, State | Personnel Changes | Other | Missouri Governor Eric Greitens appointed three new members to the state’s Clean Water Commission. All three appointees have close ties to industry and appear to lack appropriate qualifications for serving on the Commission. |
2017-12-05 | Trump Science Nominees Lack Qualifications | All, Federal | Personnel Changes | Climate, Other | Of 43 Trump administration nominees in science-related positions, only 41% had a master’s degree or doctorate in a science field, compared to 58% under President Obama. |
2017-12 | FDA Food Advisory Committee Disbanded | Federal, HHS | Personnel Changes | Other | The food advisory committee, the only body dedicated to advising the Food and Drug Administration on food-related science policy, was disbanded. |
2017-12 | OSHA Advisory Committees Suspended | DOL, Federal | Personnel Changes | Other | The Occupational Health and Safety Administration announced plans to re-evaluate the work of its advisory committees. |
2017-12 | Fewer Scientists Employed by EPA in 2017 | EPA, Federal | Personnel Changes | Other | Over 200 scientists left EPA in 2017, most of whom have not been replaced. Over the course of 2017, EPA hired just 7 scientists. |
2017-11-09 | Bill Appointing Industry Representatives to Oversee Environmental Decisions Introduced in Michigan | MI, State | Personnel Changes | Climate, Other | A package bills was introduced in the Michigan senate that would, if enacted, establish a new Environmental Rules Review Committee to oversee the state Department of Environmental Quality. The Committee would consist of over half industry representatives and have broad authority to veto rules proposed by the Department. |
2017-10-31 | Missouri Life Sciences Research Board to be Eliminated | MO, State | Personnel Changes | Other | Missouri Governor Eric Greitens convened a task force to explore ways to shrink the size and scope of the state government. The task force recommended, among other things, eliminating the state Life Sciences Research Board. |
2017-10-31 | EPA-Funded Scientists Barred From Serving on Advisory Committees | EPA, Federal | Personnel Changes | Other | EPA announced that scientists receiving agency grants would not longer be able to serve on its advisory boards. |
2017-10-23 | Trump Administration Fails to Appoint Science Advisor | Federal, White House | Personnel Changes | Other | As of October 23, 2017, the Trump administration had taken longer than any other to nominate a science adviser to head the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. |
2017-10 | Unqualified Individual Appointed to North Carolina Oil and Gas Commission | NC, State | Personnel Changes | Climate, Other | The North Carolina legislature appointed Jim Womak to the state’s Oil and Gas Commission. Mr. Womak was appointed to a seat reserved for a “representative of a nongovernmental conservation interest” but has no experience in conservation. |
2017-09 | EPA Enforcement Agents Reassigned | EPA, Federal | Personnel Changes | Climate | Agents in EPA’s Criminal Investigation Division were reassigned to Administrator Pruitt’s security detail, forcing them to suspend investigation of climate crimes. |
2017-08 | National Climate Assessment Advisory Committee Disbanded | DOC, Federal | Personnel Changes | Climate | The Trump administration disbanded an advisory committee which assisted state and local officials to use the National Climate Assessment in long-term planning. |
2017-07 | EPA Adaptation Staff Reassigned | EPA, Federal | Personnel Changes | Climate | EPA reassigned four staffers in the policy office, who had previously worked on climate change adaptation. |
2017-07 | Non-Scientist Nominated for Top USDA Science Position | Federal, USDA | Personnel Changes | Other | President Trump nominated Sam Clovis, a former radio announcer and economics professor, with no “hard-science” qualifications to the USDA’s top science position. |
2017-07 | DOI Scientists Involuntarily Reassigned | DOI, Federal | Personnel Changes | Climate | Approximately 50 DOI employees, including some working on climate-related issues, were involuntarily reassigned to unrelated positions. |
2017-06-15 | DOE Office of International Climate and Technology Closed | DOE, Federal | Personnel Changes | Climate | DOE closed the Office of International Climate and Technology which was formed in 2011 to help the U.S. provide technical advice to other nations seeking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. |
2017-06 | EPA Climate Change Staff Reassigned | EPA, Federal | Personnel Changes | Climate | EPA reallocated staff from the climate change division and climate protection partnership division to other areas. |
2017-05-05 | EPA Scientific Advisory Board Members Dismissed | EPA, Federal | Personnel Changes | Other | EPA dismissed at least five academics serving on its scientific review board and indicated that it may replace them with industry representatives. |
2017-05 | DOI Advisory Boards Suspended or Eliminated | DOI, Federal | Personnel Changes | Climate, Other | DOI froze the work of more than 200 advisory boards, committees, and subcommittees to enable it to review “the charter and charge of each committee.” DOI also allowed the charter of the Advisory Committee on Climate Change and Natural Resource Science to expire. |
2017-04-10 | Forensic Science Committee Disbanded | DOJ, Federal | Personnel Changes | Other | Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced he would not renew the National Commission on Forensic Science, a 30 member advisory committee established to review forensic science standards. |
2017-02-16 | Bill to Eliminate State Environmental Quality Board Introduced in Minnesota | MN, State | Personnel Changes | Climate, Other | Bills were introduced in the Minnesota House of Representatives and Senate that would, if enacted, eliminate the state Environmental Quality Board which is responsible for coordinating work on environmental issues among state agencies. |
2017-02-08 | Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ Science Bureau Slated for Closure | State, WI | Budget Cuts, Personnel Changes | Climate, Other | In his budget proposal for 2017-19, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker recommended eliminating the Department of Natural Resources’ central science services bureau, and reassigning its 15 staff to other positions. |
2017-02-06 | Bill to Close State Environmental Laboratory Introduced in Oklahoma | OK, State | Personnel Changes | Other | A bill was introduced in the Oklahoma Legislature that would, if enacted, require closure of the State Environmental Laboratory. The laboratory is currently responsible for testing the state’s 1,700 public water supply systems. |
2017-01 | DOE Advisory Board Disbanded | DOE, Federal | Personnel Changes | Climate, Other | The Secretary of Energy Advisory Board, which was a key adviser to past DOE secretaries, was reportedly “sunset.” DOE has no plans to reconstitute the board at this time. |
2017-01 | Scientist Fired from Black Hawk College | ID, State | Interference with Education, Personnel Changes | Other | Black Hawk College announced it would lay-off several faculty members, including a professor of geology, due to a lack of state funding. |
2016-12-06 | Names of DOE Climate Change Staff Requested | DOE, Federal | Personnel Changes | Climate | The Trump transition team sent, then disavowed, a survey seeking information about DOE staff who had worked on climate change. |
2016-12 | Names of USDA Staff Working on Climate Change Requested | Federal, USDA | Personnel Changes | Climate | The Trump transition team requested information about USDA’s Office of Climate Change, including the names of all staff members. |
2016-11-16 | Bill to Abolish Agricultural Advisory Boards Introduced in Nevada | NV, State | Personnel Changes | Other | A bill was introduced in the Nevada House of Representatives that would, if enacted, abolish the Garlic and Onion Growers Advisory Board, the Alfalfa Seed Advisory Board, and the Advisory Council for Organic Agricultural Products. |