Conversations from the Leading-Edge, with WKCR

About the Show

Conversations from the Leading Edge is an initiative to support AC4‘s mission of bringing together and sharing the innovative, multi-disciplined thoughts and efforts for conflict resolution and sustainability happening at Columbia University. Since 2012, the show has been produced aWKCR (89.9FM), and is broadcast on public radio through one of WKCR’s most popular programs, the Late City Edition. Now the show is also available on iTunes and Soundcloud. Hosts rotate throughout the year and include exclusive conversations with our Executive Team, including Peter T. Coleman and Beth Fisher-Yoshida. The show features intimate conversations with scholars, artists, thought leaders and some of today’s most aspiring luminaries on topics related to peace and conflict.

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Recent Episodes


Visit the Archives

On the archive page, you can check out earlier episodes and see more information about all of the episodes: here.

Meet the Hosts

BethFisher-YoshidaDr. Beth Fisher-Yoshida specializes in Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) and Participatory Action Research (PAR) as it applies to the practice of conflict resolution. Dr. Fisher-Yoshida is faculty member and the Academic Director of the Negotiation and Conflict Resolution program at Columbia University and also the founder of FYI Fisher Yoshida International, LLC, a firm specializing in organizational development, corporate training, facilitation, mediation and executive coaching.



SP-PeterDr. Peter T. Coleman
is a renowned expert on conflict intractability and peace sustainability. Dr. Coleman is Professor of Psychology and Education at Columbia University, where he holds a joint-appointment at Teachers College and The Earth Institute and teaches courses in Conflict Resolution, Social Psychology, and Social Science Research. He also directs the Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR).



Dr. Joshua Fisher leads interdisciplinary research projects, teaches on conflict analysis relating to energy and the environment and directs AC4. He is a faculty member in Columbia’s Master’s program in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution. His work focuses on understanding the environmental drivers of social conflict and exploring opportunities to use resource management as a tool for conflict prevention, with particular emphasis in extractive industry related issues.


Meredith Smith joined AC4 after graduating from Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs’ Masters of Public Administration in Development Practice program. She left an early career as a professional jewelry designer to join the world of development practice. She has worked on community engagement, education and capacity development projects. She holds degrees in fine arts, English literature, and development practice, and explores advocacy projects and arts-based research, and also topics such as storytelling and memory, arts and activism, and energy and development.

More about the Show

Having emerged as a specialized discipline in the 1950′s, Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution has become one of the fastest growing interdisciplinary academic fields in the world today. As links between peace, conflict and sustainability increasingly become the focus of university programs across the country, radio and TV programs featuring interviews with faculty and experts in the field are growing in popularity. These programs cover areas that range from current events and public policy to leading-edge research and publications.

At Columbia University, the MD-ICCCR and AC4 have been committed to developing knowledge and practice, and to providing resources to enhance collaboration for the advancement of constructive conflict resolution, effective cooperation, and social justice. Both the MD-ICCCR and AC4 welcome the opportunity to share with a broader audience the work of the many faculty, centers and institutes at Columbia University and beyond that have been working in these areas from different disciplinary perspectives.


  • Feature recent innovative research, practice, and courses on peace, conflict, and sustainability of leading scholar-practitioners across Columbia University and beyond.
  • Broaden and enhance collaboration between scholar-practitioners working on peace, conflict, and sustainability.
  • Increase public awareness of constructive methods for conflict prevention and resolution, of the many forms of oppression, and of strategies for overcoming social injustice in families, organizations, and communities worldwide and for fostering sustainable peace.
  • Bridge the gap between theory, research, and practice in the field of conflict resolution.

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