Community News - Page 45

AC4 endeavors to inform individuals about current initiatives led by AC4 and also overall opportunities to engage with current scholarship and practice pertaining to conflict resolution, violence prevention, peace, and sustainable development.

In our News section, as listed below, you will find information about lectures, conferences, events, jobs, and internship positions at Columbia University and other areas in New York and across the globe.

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LIPS Presentation: “Resilience and Justice” with Susan Fainstein, Sep 10 at 1pm

by |September 6th, 2013

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Categories: Events

AC4 is seeking volunteers for Sustaining Peace Conference

by |September 5th, 2013

AC4, the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict and Complexity is seeking volunteers for the Second Annual Sustainable Peace Conference on October 24, 2013 at Teachers College.  More information can be found here. We are seeking 8-10 students to help with the following: -Registration: checking people in and directing them to the appropriate rooms -Guides: helping students… read more

Categories: News

Tenure-Track Position: Social Psychology, Clark University

by |September 4th, 2013

The Department of Psychology invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor (tenure-track) to begin in August 2014. Clark University offers the advantages of both a distinguished research university and a small liberal arts college (see The Psychology Department has Ph.D. programs in Social, Clinical, and Developmental Psychology. We seek a social psychologist (holding… read more

Categories: News

Important Meta-analysis described in the NY Times: Weather and Violence

by |August 31st, 2013

AS temperatures rise, tempers flare. Anyone who has experienced the hostility of a swelteringly hot summer day in the city can attest to that. But researchers are now quantifying the causal relationship between extreme climate and human conflict… [Read the article here] Get our newsletter I’d like to get more stories like this. Email address… read more

Categories: News

From EI Executive Director Steven Cohen: Columbia University’s Earth Institute: An Academic Institution for the 21st Century

by |August 13th, 2013

When people ask me what I do for a living I tell them that I teach sustainability management at Columbia University and that I’m Executive Director of the university’s Earth Institute. Often, that’s the end of it, except for the more curious who have the courage to ask: “What’s the Earth Institute?” Unfortunately, the answer… read more

Categories: News

Part-time faculty position with the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding – Eastern Mennonite University

by |August 7th, 2013

The Center for Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University is looking for a part-time faculty member to teach two courses (see below) for the Spring 2014 semester. PhD’s and PhD candidates at the ‘all but dissertation’ phase are encouraged to apply. Interested candidates are asked to submit their CV and cover letter to the… read more

Categories: News

Fall 2013 Sustainable Peace Event – Watch this space!

by |August 5th, 2013

AC4 is pleased to announce our Third Annual Sustainable Peace Event, taking place October 24, 2013 at Teachers College, Columbia University. The theme continues from previous years as we showcase the cutting-edge work in conflict resolution, violence prevention and sustainable human development at Columbia University. Most exciting of all, we are honored to welcome Leymah… read more

Categories: Events, News

Graduate Internship Opportunity

by |August 2nd, 2013

Graduate Internship Opportunity at the Program on Peace-building and Rights, Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University (unpaid, 20 hours/week, NYC) The intern will work with the Program Director and Program Coordinator to provide general administrative support, communications/social media support, and research assistance for the Program’s various activities including but not limited to… read more

Categories: News

Teachers College Peace and Conflict Scholars Share Their Views: Giving Peace Education a Chance

by |July 24th, 2013

From the Teachers College Office of External Affairs: The issue of how to prevent or resolve conflict has moved front and center on the global stage. The past few years have brought revolutions and civil wars in the Middle East and other regions, some resolving peacefully and others not, prompting the U.S. Agency for International… read more

Categories: News

Saying goodbye to our intern, Melanie

by |July 18th, 2013

We at AC4 are sad to be saying goodbye to our intern Melanie. Melanie has worked tirelessly to promote the work of AC4 by meeting with faculty and students of conflict at Columbia, and by helping us to update our information sources – especially AC4 Link. Please visit Melanie’s blog to learn all about her… read more

Categories: News