Community News - Page 41

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AC4’s Peter Coleman and others published in PLOS ONE: Behavioral and Emotional Dynamics of Two People Struggling to Reach Consensus

by |January 13th, 2014

Queens College, City University of New York  INTERNATIONAL TEAM OF RESEARCHERS STUDIES HOW PEOPLE TRY TO REACH AGREEMENT ABOUT A TOPIC ON WHICH THEY DISAGREE –Behaviors and Emotions are More Independent than Previously Thought– Read the full article here – Behavioral and Emotional Dynamics of Two People Struggling to Reach Consensus about a Topic on… read more

Categories: News

AC4’s Peter Coleman on The David Pakman Show discusses political polarization

by |January 8th, 2014

On the Show: –Peter Coleman, Professor of Psychology and Education at Columbia University, Director of the International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution and author of The Five Percent: Finding Solutions to Seemingly Impossible Conflicts, joins David to discuss our current state of political partisanship and how it compares to other times in our history Get… read more

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Coleman’s Five Percent profiled by Cultivating Leadership

by |January 7th, 2014

The five percent: A complex look at conflict that can help us all Posted by Jennifer Garvey Berger on Friday, January 3rd, 2014 in Beliefs, Change, Complexity At the recommendation of one of my closest colleagues (who also happens to be my mother), I have been reading the The Five Percent: Finding Solutions to Seemingly… read more

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Job Opening with OECD: Conflict and Peace Advisor

by |January 7th, 2014

Description  The OECD’s mission – Better Policies for Better Lives – promotes policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. It provides a unique forum in which governments work together to share experiences on what drives economic, social and environmental change, seeking solutions to common problems.  The Governance For… read more

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Internship Opportunities at FGCNP

by |December 9th, 2013

Apply today for these internship opportunities at FGCNP. Click here for more details.   Get our newsletter I’d like to get more stories like this. Email address Secure and Spam free…

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AC4’s Peter Coleman profiled by Martin Zwilling: The Best Entrepreneurs Relish But Manage Conflicts

by |December 9th, 2013

Many entrepreneurs are not prepared for conflict, or actively avoid it. Their vision, passion, and focus are so strong that they can’t imagine someone disagreeing, much less fighting them to the death. But the reality is that startups are composed of smart people, with emotions as well as intellects, working in close proximity under much… read more

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Conflict and peace events at Columbia University: 12/9 to 12/13

by |December 5th, 2013

  M.S. in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Fall 2013 Capstone Thesis Presentations December 7 & 8, 2013 – 10:00a – 5:00p Columbia University, Uris Hall, Room 301   AUGMENTED HUMANITY, DRONES, SELF-DRIVING CARS, FURBYS & ROBOT POLITICS: Freedom and Security in the Robotics Age December 09, 2013 12:15pm to 2:00pm Columbia University Morningside Campus International… read more

Categories: Events

Student Peace Alliance – Start a new chapter at Columbia!

by |December 4th, 2013

The Student Peace Alliance (SPA) is looking for students interested in peace-building and legislative advocacy to start a chapter on Columbia’s campus. SPA is a nation-wide grassroots network of high school and college chapters that use leading edge strategies to advocate for violence-prevention and peace-building legislation as well as restorative methods for conflict resolution. Using… read more

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Dec 4th at the Peace Islands Institute: Peacebuilding After the Arab Spring with Mark Ronsenblum

by |December 2nd, 2013

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AC4’s P. Coleman & K. Mazzaro in Huffington Post: “The Beginning of Peace?”

by |December 2nd, 2013

If we ever find peace, will we know it when we see it? The interim nuclear deal between Iran and the major powers is a hopeful step in the long ambiguous journey toward peace. However, in the 67 other conflict-prone regions of the world currently monitored by the International Crisis Group there is less reason… read more

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