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AC4’s Peter Coleman Interviewed in Fast Company: “How to Use Conflict to Your Advantage at Work”

by |August 7th, 2014

If you’re wasting time always trying to keep the peace, you could be missing out on an important source of energy and innovation. By Gwen Moran Whether we like it or not, conflict is a constant in life. From big-picture decisions about the future to where to eat lunch, every day we have myriad differences… read more

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CU Conflict Alum Roi-Ben-Yehuda Writes About Complexity, Social Media and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

by |August 7th, 2014

Is social media the place where complexity about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict goes to die? It’s a paradox of sorts that over time, as protracted conflicts become objectively more complex – as more actors and issues become involved – they are experienced in an ever-simplified manner. Identities are polarized between righteous victims (us) and evil perpetrators… read more

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2014 Dynamical Systems Theory Innovation Lab a success!

by |August 6th, 2014

Over the past decade, scholars and practitioners have been working to employ new insights and methods from complexity science, dynamical systems and network theory to study and address violence and conflict as well as sustainable peace and social change.  The second Dynamical Systems Theory (DST) Innovation Lab convened from July 20 – 25, 2014 with… read more

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Internship Opportunities at Alliance for Peacebuilding

by |July 28th, 2014

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New Book by Professor Severine Autesserre “Peaceland: Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention”

by |July 25th, 2014

Book summary Peaceland suggests a new explanation for why international peace interventions often fail to reach their full potential. Based on several years of ethnographic research in conflict zones around the world, it demonstrates that everyday elements – such as the expatriates’ social habits and usual approaches to understanding their areas of operation – strongly… read more

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Conference 10/31: Conflict Resolution, Human Security, and Global Governance: The New Generation of Ideas

by |July 18th, 2014

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AC4’s Nick Redding Highlighted in IACM Signal: Why I chose to pursue a PhD

by |July 17th, 2014

While it wouldn’t be entirely accurate to say I was disillusioned by my undergraduate education in psychology, I certainly did not leave satisfied. I had been exposed to one series after another of theory and research findings categorized around developmental, abnormal, biological, social and other themes. I was saying “so what?” too often by the… read more

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Two New “Conversations From the Leading Edge” Now Available on WKCR

by |July 16th, 2014

Illicit Resource Extraction 30:40 minutes (28.07 MB) Date Broadcast: Tue, 13 May 2014 In May’s collaboration with the Advanced Consortium for Cooperation, Conflict, and Complexity, (AC4) features a conversation with Chris Blattman. Dr. Blattman explains how employment opportunities and plain old cash incentives can help high-risk men in Liberia avoid seeking out work as mercenary… read more

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Deadline Extended: Senior Research Associate Position Opening (ICCCR)

by |June 23rd, 2014

Job Opportunity Senior Research Associate Position (full-time) Academic Year (2014 –2015) The Morton Deutsch- International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution at Teachers College, Columbia University seeks a talented individual to help manage and support a dynamic program of research on peace and conflict dynamics. Under the leadership of Professor Peter T. Coleman, the research program… read more

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AC4’s Peter Coleman Interviewed for Parent Magazine: Helping Kids Deal with Arguments

by |June 18th, 2014

Brothers bickering over blocks. Sisters arguing about the seating arrangement. Friends fighting over broken promises. Disagreements are natural part of life, but kids aren’t born with the tools to effectively handle conflict. “Kids fight over many of the same things adults do, but with more raw intensity,” says Peter Coleman, Ph.D., professor of psychology and… read more

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