Community News - Page 31

AC4 endeavors to inform individuals about current initiatives led by AC4 and also overall opportunities to engage with current scholarship and practice pertaining to conflict resolution, violence prevention, peace, and sustainable development.

In our News section, as listed below, you will find information about lectures, conferences, events, jobs, and internship positions at Columbia University and other areas in New York and across the globe.

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Conflict and Peace Events at Columbia Next Week (12/1 – 12/5)

by |November 28th, 2014

Featured Event: Master’s in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Program Fall 2014 Capstone Presentations December 7, 2014 – 9:00am to 5:00pm Columbia University Morningside Campus, 301 Uris Hall   To Russia with Love: Documentary Screening and Panel on LGBT Athletes at Sochi December 1, 2014 – 6:00pm – 8:00pm Columbia University Morningside Campus Davis Auditorium Room… read more

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Dec 16th: AC4 Film Screening – Beats of the Antonov

by |November 25th, 2014

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Conflict and Peace Events at Columbia Next Week (11/24 – 11/26)

by |November 19th, 2014

  Ayotzinapa: A Public Discussion on Violence in Mexico November 24, 2014 5:00pm to 7:00pm Kent Hall, Room 413   Screening of “Once My Mother,” An Award-Winning Wartime Drama November 25, 2014 – 6:00pm – 9:00pm International Affairs Building, Room 707 Get our newsletter I’d like to get more stories like this. Email address Secure… read more

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Conflict and Peace Events at Columbia Next Week (11/17 – 11/21)

by |November 13th, 2014

  ITS Workshop – Resisting complicity: The role of educators in interrupting youth-involvement in drug trafficking in Guayaquil, Ecuador November 18, 2014 11:30am to 1pm Teachers College, Room TBD   Columbia Seminar on Defense and Security: Maritime Operations and Today’s Wars: Navy, Marines and Coast Guard (No Link) November 18, 2014 1:00 – 2:00 International… read more

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This Week: AC4 Director Josh Fisher in Sydney to Speak on Conservation and Peacebuilding at the 2014 IUCN World Parks Congress

by |November 10th, 2014

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Conflict and Peace Events at Columbia Next Week (11/10 – 11/14)

by |November 6th, 2014

  Featured Event: Peace & Conflict Brown Bag Series: Andrea Lari in Conversation with Aldo Civico November 12, 2014 12:00pm to 1:30pm Columbia University, Lewisohn Hall, Room 602   The Collapse: The Accidental Opening of the Berlin Wall November 11, 2014 12:00pm to 1:00pm International Affairs Building, Room 1219   The Justice Forum: Reimaging Justice:… read more

Categories: Events, News

Career Opportunity: Executive Director Public Conversations Project (Watertown, MA)

by |November 3rd, 2014

  Public Conversations Project: Who We Are Public Conversations Project (PCP) is a widely respected pioneer and thought leader in the field of dialogue design, facilitation and training. Its practitioners collaborate with groups and organizations to design constructive conversations through which relationships are transformed; healing is promoted where there has been costly conflict, and collaboration… read more

Categories: News

Coleman’s The Five Percent Reviewed on GoodReads

by |October 31st, 2014

This is an important book that contributes to a new way of thinking and acting in ‚high friction’ contexts. I am convinced its relevance stretches beyond the field of conflict resolution, vast as it is. Anyone who is struggling with ‚wicked problems’, working to introduce radical innovations, building social movements or engaged in transitioning complex… read more

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Nov 4 – 7: AC4 Co-Sponsoring “Gold Week” at Yale University

by |October 30th, 2014

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Conflict and Peace Events at Columbia Next Week (11/3 – 11/7)

by |October 30th, 2014

  Immigration Reform: Why Has it Become the Third Rail of American November 3, 2014 – 12:10pm – 1:20pm Columbia Law School, JG 102B   AC4′s Peter Coleman Hosts “Casual Conversations” at Teachers College November 5, 2014 – 12:00pm – 1:00pm Teachers College, Zankel Hall 109 (RSVP Here)   Is Evil Still a Meaningful Concept… read more

Categories: Events