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Reflection from Fieldwork in Amman, Jordan, from AC4 Fellow, Megan Germain

by |October 2nd, 2017

Upon Arrival in Amman – June 9th, 2017 Marhaba from Amman! This summer I am interning in the Adolescent and Youth Programming (ADAP) and HIV/AIDS department of the UNICEF MENA Regional Office. In addition to learning all the acronyms the UN uses, I will be working on 3 separate projects. The first is a Participatory… read more

Categories: AC4 Fellows, News

Colorful Nigeria – Adapting to the Unexpected, by AC4 Fellow, Claudia Schneider

by |September 22nd, 2017

Nigeria is a uniquely colorful and captivating place, in many regards. You will find rich and poor side by side. Air-conditioned shopping centers sit across from narrow, dusty, labyrinth-like markets. Mansions of the rich contrast corrugated roof huts of the poor. Endlessly sprawling cities neighbor tiny villages hidden in the jungle. With more than 500… read more

Categories: AC4 Fellows, News

What the U.S. Military is Doing About Climate Change – New Blog Post on State of the Planet

by |September 21st, 2017

The lastest blog from Renée Cho, staff writer for the Earth Institute, focuses on What the U.S. is Doing About Climate Change. Cho tells about how the military is aware of the risks of climate change and “been actively working for a number of years already to avoid and adapt to the worst effects of climate… read more

A Reflection From Fieldwork in Colombia, by Amanda Browne

by |September 14th, 2017

From June through August, I joined forces with the THRIVE Colombia project to explore perceptions of violence and safety within the family as well as the community. Through a series of individual interviews, we explored different themes such as gender roles, conflict resolution, decision-making, and potential solutions to improve family safety and well-being with our… read more

Categories: AC4 Fellows, News

Upcoming Conflict and Peace Events at Columbia, 9/13 – 9/22

by |September 13th, 2017

“Popular Perceptions of Military and Police Legitimacy in Timor-Leste: Reports from the Field” Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2017 | 12:15 PM – 2:00 PM Morningside Campus, International Affairs Building, Room 1512 Oral histories of the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris and of September 11 in the U.S: Christian Delage and Mary Marshall Clark Wednesday, September 13, 2017… read more

Categories: Events, News

Reflections on Decolonizing and the #RhodesMustFall Student Movement, by AC4 Fellow, Kayum Ahmed

by |September 11th, 2017

While the AC4 Fellowship affords students the opportunity to conduct field research through its generous grant, one of the incredible advantages of the Fellowship is the space it offers to reflect on these experiences. Over the course of the Fellowship, I wrote three op-ed pieces that starts in Cape Town and is centered on a new radical… read more

Categories: AC4 Fellows, News

“They were made to eat meat, not grass”: A local conflict, but not with lions; by Adam Pekor

by |August 14th, 2017

Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) is an extraordinary place.  Part of the greater Serengeti ecosystem, the NCA hosts some of Earth’s most incredible natural wonders, including the great wildebeest migration and the famed Ngorongoro Crater, an extinct volcanic caldera containing one of the densest populations of lions in Africa.  The NCA is also home to… read more

Blog Series: 10 Big Ideas on Peace and Justice – In Celebration of the Life and Legacy of Morton Deutsch

by |August 11th, 2017

Look below for the 10-part blog series on major contributions from Morton Deutsch! In honor of Morton Deutsch—an eminent psychologist, Columbia University professor, mentor extraordinaire, and one of the founders of the field of conflict resolution— our co-Executive Director Peter T. Coleman has selected ten of Deutsch’s most significant scientific contributions to highlight and describe in a… read more

Categories: News

Graduate level, paid internship with AC4 – Apply before Sept 5!

by |August 4th, 2017

AC4 Communications & Administrative Support  To apply: send resume and cover letter to Deadline: 5pm (EST), Tues, Sept 5, 2017 Background: AC4‘s mission is to engage with and support interdisciplinary theory, research and practice related to violence prevention, constructive conflict resolution, peacebuilding and sustainable development at Columbia University with aim to promote sustainably peaceful societies…. read more

Categories: News, Projects

Highlights from the 30th Annual IACM Conference

by |July 28th, 2017

The 30th Annual International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) Conference recently took place in Berlin, Germany, and brought together students and scholars from around the world. Many from the AC4  team attended the conference, presenting about current research and celebrating the scholarship, learning community and the unique cultural experience in Berlin. There are a number… read more

Categories: AC4 Fellows, IACM, News