News - Page 30

Job Opportunity: Team Leader/ Institutional Development Specialist

by |September 18th, 2014

A TRANSTEC-led Consortium (including CMI, HD Centre, WANEP and Transtec Africa) has been invited to submit a proposal to provide TA for the “EU Support to Ecowas regional peace, security and stability Mandate (EU-ECOWAS PSS)” Programme. Tentatively scheduled to start in January 2015, this will be a 4 years assignment involving 3 Long Term Key… read more

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AC4’s Coleman in Huffpost & Psychology Today: The Power of Moral Complexity

by |September 17th, 2014

Today, the citizens of the United States face some very difficult moral choices. Should the U.S. government commit to spending billions conducting airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq and Syria or stay out of the conflict and invest those dollars in our own education and transportation systems? Is Obamacare a constructive step forward in addressing our… read more

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Webinar Series – Systems and Peace: Emerging Frontiers

by |September 15th, 2014

Inspired by the Dynamical Systems Theory Innovation Lab Hosted by Dr. Glenda Eoyang, Human Systems Dynamics Institute Interdisciplinary gatherings, like the DST Labs, are wonderful opportunities to build connections and find similarities among diverse fields. To complement the 2014 Lab, we want to provide deep dives into the differences among theories and methods. This webinar… read more

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Coleman interviewed in Turkish Weekly: “Dealing with ISIS”

by |September 15th, 2014

How might the U.S. collaborate with ISIS to stop the kidnapping and killing of hostages? Here is a link to a paper Andrea Bartoli and I wrote on “Dealing with Extremists.”* It lays out a menu of options for responding to extremist groups like ISIS. But here are two critical thoughts. First, it is always… read more

Categories: News

Job Opening at AC4: Assistant Director (8-29-14)

by |September 5th, 2014

Job Description: Reporting to the Director of the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict and Complexity (AC4) the AC4 Assistant Director coordinates the general operations of the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict and Complexity (AC4). Duties and responsibilities include: 1) human resource coordination ; 2) budget monitoring and reconciliation; 3) coordinating financial transactions; 4) managing AC4’s… read more

Categories: News

AC4’s Coleman in HuffPost on #RussiainvadedUkraine: “Mad with Power?”

by |August 29th, 2014

Co-written with Robert Ferguson Weeks after a chorus of international outrage erupted over the annexing of Crimea and the downing of Malaysia Airline’s Flight 17 in pro-Russian rebel airspace in Ukraine and the death of 298 civilians, Russia is unapologetically sending new military convoys equipped with mobile artillery into “sovereign” Ukraine. With growing casualties on… read more

Categories: News

New course at Columbia’s Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies on the complexity of environmental sustainability and conflict in Israel

by |August 18th, 2014

JWST G4610 Environment and Sustainability in Israel – Between the Local and the Regional Call Number: 91198 Points: 4 Day/Time: R 6:10pm-8:00pm Location: TBD Instructor: Shahar Sadeh Since the establishment of the state of Israel, and even prior to it, the land has been subject to massive spatial and demographic change. Rapid development, mass immigration waves, high rates of natural growth, conflicts and wars,… read more

Categories: News

AC4’s Peter Coleman Interviewed in Fast Company: “How to Use Conflict to Your Advantage at Work”

by |August 7th, 2014

If you’re wasting time always trying to keep the peace, you could be missing out on an important source of energy and innovation. By Gwen Moran Whether we like it or not, conflict is a constant in life. From big-picture decisions about the future to where to eat lunch, every day we have myriad differences… read more

Categories: News

CU Conflict Alum Roi-Ben-Yehuda Writes About Complexity, Social Media and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

by |August 7th, 2014

Is social media the place where complexity about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict goes to die? It’s a paradox of sorts that over time, as protracted conflicts become objectively more complex – as more actors and issues become involved – they are experienced in an ever-simplified manner. Identities are polarized between righteous victims (us) and evil perpetrators… read more

Categories: News

2014 Dynamical Systems Theory Innovation Lab a success!

by |August 6th, 2014

Over the past decade, scholars and practitioners have been working to employ new insights and methods from complexity science, dynamical systems and network theory to study and address violence and conflict as well as sustainable peace and social change.  The second Dynamical Systems Theory (DST) Innovation Lab convened from July 20 – 25, 2014 with… read more

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