News - Page 26

AC4 and Co-Chairs Peter T. Coleman & Beth Fisher-Yoshida in Nature: “Conflict resolution – Wars without end”

by |March 11th, 2015

…it was just this kind of blinkered thinking that led psychologist Peter Coleman to rebel. It was 2000, recalls Coleman, head of the Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution at Columbia University in New York City. He had broken his foot and decided to spend his convalescence at home delving into the… read more

Categories: News

Graduate Level Internship Opportunity

by |March 9th, 2015

The Center for Community Leadership at the Jewish Community Relations Council of NY (The Center) is offering a paid internship for a graduate level student (Masters or Doctoral) that will focus on researching and documenting the history, methodology and impact of The Center. The Center, founded in the fall of 1993, envisions a New York… read more

Categories: News

Conflict and Peace Events at Columbia Next Week (3/9 to 3/13)

by |March 5th, 2015

  Organization & Leadership: Making Conflict Work – Navigating Disagreement Up and Down Your Organization March 9-10, 2014 – 9am to 5pm Teachers College, Location TBD (Advanced Registration Required)   What’s Next? The Ukraine Crisis in the Global Context March 09, 2015 5:00pm to 7:00pm Columbia University Morningside Campus Faculty House Garden Room 2  … read more

Categories: Events, News

AC4’s Peter Coleman on Blog Talk Radio – Making conflict work

by |March 4th, 2015

Making Conflict Work – Seven strategies for leveraging conflict with your supervisors and subordinates Everyday life is filled with interactions between superiors and subordinates. Whether you are up or down the food chain, you have to work with someone who has either more or less power than you. Join Columbia University Professor Peter Coleman, as… read more

Categories: News

Columbia Research in NY Times: “Researchers Link Syrian Conflict to… Climate Change”

by |March 3rd, 2015

Drawing one of the strongest links yet between global warming and human conflict, researchers said Monday that an extreme drought in Syria between 2006 and 2009 was most likely due to climate change, and that the drought was a factor in the violent uprising that began there in 2011…   Read the full article here

Categories: News

March 3: The Practice of Peace Negotiations: Mali 2013 & Beyond

by |March 3rd, 2015

ICR Mediation Speakers Series “The Practice of Peace Negotiations: Mali 2013 and Beyond” In an informal discussion, Mr. Sven Koopmans, Senior Mediation Expert with the UN Department of Political Affairs, will share his experiences working on mediation efforts in Mali Professor Elisabeth Lindenmayer will moderate  Tuesday, March 3rd 1302 International Affairs Building 420 W 118th… read more

Categories: News

March 4th: AC4 Director Josh Fisher to Speak at “Paying the True Price of Oil” Film Screening

by |March 2nd, 2015

Note: The time below is incorrect – the screening will begin at 7pm (click the image to register).

Categories: Events, News

March 2nd – Outward Bound Peacebuilding YLC Recruiting Event in NYC

by |February 25th, 2015

Join the Young Leadership Council of the Outward Bound Center for Peacebuilding for an informal gathering to learn about the important work that OBCP is doing and our plans to grow our membership to support their mission. Ana Patel, Executive Director of Outward Bound Peacebuilding and current members of the YLC will be present to… read more

Categories: News

11th Annual Morton Deutsch Awards for Social Justice Call for Student Papers, Deadline Feb. 27

by |February 24th, 2015

The Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR) at Teachers College, Columbia University, is sponsoring the 11th annual Morton Deutsch Award for an Outstanding Graduate Student Paper on Social Justice. Morton Deutsch, one of the world’s preeminent psychologists, has made significant contributions over the many years of his career in the areas… read more

Categories: News

AC4’s Peter Coleman in the Huffington Post: Inequality on the Rise? Workers of America Adapt

by |February 16th, 2015

A few years ago, we interviewed an office manager, who we’ll call Jennifer here, for a small manufacturing company, who had reportedly undergone an abrupt change in her workplace behavior. Highly organized, knowledgeable and precise, Jennifer had always been skillful in her role. Her team viewed her as a thoughtful, powerful advocate, who could effectively… read more

Categories: News