News - Page 20

Conflict and Peace Events at Columbia Next Week (2/8 to 2/12)

by |February 2nd, 2016

Negotiating Humanitarian Space: Experiences from the Field Monday February 8, 2016 6:00 – 8:00 pm Allan Rosenfield Building, 722 West 168th St., Hess Commons   The EU, the U.S., and the Crisis in Ukraine Monday, February 8, 2016 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Columbia University Morningside Campus Buell Hall East Gallery   Book Talk: The… read more

Categories: Events, News

Interview with Diana Engel Gerbase, AC4 Fellow, 2015 Cohort

by |February 2nd, 2016

Diana Engel Gerbase, one the 2015-2016 AC4 Graduate Fellows, is a social entrepreneur, currently in her second-year of the masters program in Public Administration at the School of International & Public Affairs.  She has a concentration in Urban and Social Policy and a specialization in Management. For her AC4 sponsored project, she travelled to Brazil,… read more

Conflict and Peace Events at Columbia Next Week (2/1 to 2/5)

by |January 26th, 2016

Religion, Secularism, and Constitutional Democracy Monday, February 1, 2016 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Columbia University Morningside Campus, Buell Hall East Gallery   Serbia: From its Embrace of LGBTI Human Rights to denial of war crimes, a conversation with Goran Miletic Monday, February 1, 2016 6:15 PM – 7:45 PM Columbia University Morningside Campus International… read more

Categories: News

EVENT 2/25: Resistance: A Manifesto on Mental Health and Political Action

by |January 26th, 2016

Clinical Psychology Speaker Series @ Teachers College Resistance: A Manifesto on Mental Health and Political Action   Steven Reisner, Ph.D. 11:00 am – 12:40 pm Thursday, February 25th 3rd Floor Russell Hall – 306   Teachers College, Columbia University 525 West 120 street, New York NY 10027   Steven Reisner, PhD is a founding member… read more

Categories: Events, News

AC4’s Peter Coleman and Rob Ferguson in Harvard Business Review: What to Do If Your Boss Asks You to Break the Rules

by |January 8th, 2016

All of us, at some point or another, are asked to break the rules at work. It may be a small action, like rounding up or down in an accounts ledger, or a small inaction, like looking the other way while others do so. It may be a one-time request, like when one of us… read more

Categories: News

AC4’s Peter Coleman on Conflict Resolution Meets Social Technology

by |December 22nd, 2015

Most of what you have learned about conflict resolution is often wrong. Or at least it’s ineffective in the workplace between people with unequal power. We have been conducting conflict resolution workshops for decades and have often had participants ask us, “What if you have a conflict with someone with more power?” Or, “The people… read more

Categories: News

AC4’s Peter Coleman contributes to the conversation: “Can psychology help us out of this mess?”

by |December 15th, 2015

Recently, the British Psychological Society queried psychologists of conflict and peace to respond to the following question: As the UK’s Parliament votes to allow bombing in Syria, we ask – are there evidence-based ways to resolve this conflict? >>READ THE FULL COLLECTION HERE From the dialogue: ‘The last thing we should do is send in… read more

Categories: News

Conflict and Peace Events at Columbia Next Week (12/14 to 12/18)

by |December 9th, 2015

Join Conflict Resolution Colleagues at Columbia University for our Annual Year-End Celebration! Wednesday, December 16th 7:00 – 9:00 pm Teachers College, 232 Horace Mann Hall Hosted by: AC4, the Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR) and the Masters in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Program (NECR)   Difficult Decisions: The Complexities of… read more

Categories: Events, News

AC4’s Peter Coleman in Huff Post: A Vision of Peace for America

by |December 8th, 2015

“Could America ever imagine itself at peace?” In the anthropologist Doug Fry’s important new book, War, Peace and Human Nature, he summarizes the findings of decades of research on peaceful societies around the world and argues that assumptions about the war-like nature of humans and the inevitability of war are both erroneous (according to sound… read more

Categories: News

Conflict and Peace Events at Columbia Next Week (12/7 to 12/11)

by |December 2nd, 2015

This Week! Master of Science in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution: Fall 2015 Capstone Thesis Presentations December 5, 2015 9:00am to 6:00pm Columbia University, Jerome Greene Hall 103   Annual Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict Thursday and Friday, December 3 – 4, 2015 Columbia University, Teachers College, Grace Dodge… read more

Categories: Events, News