Events - Page 23

Jan 31: Surfacing Solutions: Using Oral History to Find New Solutions to Intimate Violence

by |January 28th, 2013

The Oral History Master of Arts (OHMA) Program, the Columbia Center for Oral History, and the Columbia School of Social Work and the Center for Gender  and Sexuality Law, as part of the ‘Paul F. Lazarsfeld Lecture Series,’ Presents: Surfacing Solutions: Using Oral History to Find New Solutions to Intimate Violence WHO: Alisa Del Tufo,… read more

Categories: Events

Jan 28th: OSCE Guidelines for Human Rights Education: Guiding Principles for Effective Practice

by |January 28th, 2013

Monday, January 28th, 4:15-6:15pm Teachers College, Russell 306 525 West 120th Street, New York, NY 10027   Speakers Pavel Chacuk     Human Rights Advisor in the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE/ODIHR) Felisa Tibbitts   Director, Human Rights in Education Program, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at… read more

Categories: Events

Jan 28th: Peacebuilding 2.0: Applying Complexity to Harness Complex Post-Conflict

by |January 22nd, 2013

Peacebuilding 2.0: Applying Complexity to Harness Complex Post-Conflict Settings Faculty Presenter: Jose Pascal da Rocha Date: Monday, January 28th Time: 4 – 6 pm Location: Uris Hall, Room 307, Columbia University Flyer Event Peacebuilding 2.0 2013

Categories: Events

Call for Submissions: IACM 26th Annual 2013 Conference in Tacoma, WA

by |January 22nd, 2013

IACM Members and Friends are invited to submit a paper or symposium or workshop proposal for the 26th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management  to be held on June 30-July 3, 2013 in Tacoma, Washington, USA Submission Deadline: February 8, 2013, 5:00 p.m. US Eastern Standard Time PROGRAM CONTENT AREAS: Conflict Frames… read more

Categories: Events, News

JAN 29th, Talk at SIPA: Overkill: The Case for Reevaluating U.S. Nuclear Strategy

by |January 16th, 2013

Abstract: The United States has far more nuclear weapons and delivery systems than deterrence requires. The triad of intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and bomber aircraft reflects bureaucratic Cold War planning, not strategic vision. Can the United States achieve an effective nuclear program which makes us safer, while adapting to the need for a… read more

Categories: Events

JAN 29th, Talk at SIPA: From Principle to Pragmatism: The Motivational Life Cycle of Transnational Activism

by |January 16th, 2013

Please join the Harriman Institute for a Harriman Working Papers Seminar with Tsveta Petrova, Visiting Scholar and Post-Doctoral Fellow 2011-2012, Harriman Institute). Why is it that some NGOs choose to invest in overcoming the significant costs of working transnationally? Some previous works portray these groups as normatively motivated actors, guided by solidarity with activists abroad…. read more

Categories: Events

JAN 28th Talk at SIPA: Borders and Security in Israeli Diplomacy

by |January 16th, 2013

Abstract: When Israelis and Palestinians re-engage in negotiations, the issues of borders and security will continue to be prevalent in Israeli diplomatic considerations. How those positions evolved is surprisingly not well known, even in the US, and hence requires explanation. In recent years, Israel’s regional experiences have further framed its security approach, including its lessons… read more

Categories: Events

JAN 25th Symposium at CU Medical Center: Global Sexualized Violence: From Epidemiology to Action

by |January 16th, 2013

This symposium is one in a series of Columbia University Epidemiology Scientific Symposia (CUESS), which are dedicated to exploring cutting-edge scientific topics in epidemiology and population health. The series brings together leaders in the field and aims to explore state-of-the science and to push the research agenda forward. [Visit the Event Page]

Categories: Events

9th Annual Morton Deutsch Awards for Social Justice, April 11th, 2013 Call for Student Papers

by |December 14th, 2012

The International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR) at Teachers College, Columbia University, is sponsoring the 9th annual Morton Deutsch Award for an Outstanding Graduate Student Paper on Social Justice. Morton Deutsch, one of the world’s preeminent psychologists, has made significant contributions over the many years of his career in the areas of conflict… read more

Categories: Events, News

12/11-12/14: Local Memory, Global Ethics, Justice: The Politics of Historical Dialogue in Contemporary Society

by |December 12th, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012 – 9:00am – Friday, December 14, 2012 – 6:00pm Columbia University Morningside Campus International Affairs Building 4th floor (rooms: 402B, 409 and 418, unless otherwise indicated) Historical dialogue and accountability is a growing field of advocacy and scholarship that encompasses the efforts in conflict, post-conflict, and post-dictatorial societies to come to… read more

Categories: Events