Feb 19: Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Societies: Mapping and Analyzing Work in the Field

columbia logoThursday, Feb.19, 5:00-6:30pm
West Ramp Lounge, Lerner Hall

Lili Cole, Senior Program Officer and Director, Reconciliation Research Strand, Center for Applied Research on Conflict (ARC), United States Institute of Peace (USIP)
@CUN, Research Consultant, Reconciliation Research Strand, ARC, USIP

Organizations around the world operate a wide range of reconciliation programs to try and mend the social fabric of war-torn societies. In an era of evaluation, these organizations are being asked more than ever to demonstrate that their individual and collective efforts are in fact transforming relationships. However, as programs have started to evaluate their work, they have encountered challenges regarding the very definition of reconciliation, uncertainty about how to measure effectiveness, and questions as to how these issues might impact work in the field. As a result, the United States Institute of Peace has launched a research initiative to assess what work is currently being done, how reconciliation is being conceptualized, and, where possible, how organizations are measuring the impact of their work.

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  • Corrado Quinto says:

    I was planning to be there today, but I cannot attend the conference anymore.
    I would like to know whether it is possible to share with me minutes and/or outcome documents of the event.

    Many thanks in advance for your time and consideration.


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