AC4’s Peter Coleman in the Huffington Post: Inequality on the Rise? Workers of America Adapt

Coleman2A few years ago, we interviewed an office manager, who we’ll call Jennifer here, for a small manufacturing company, who had reportedly undergone an abrupt change in her workplace behavior. Highly organized, knowledgeable and precise, Jennifer had always been skillful in her role. Her team viewed her as a thoughtful, powerful advocate, who could effectively stand up for them when necessary. As one of her direct reports put it, “She is a fair, strong manager; I think of her as a role model for me and the other women who work here.”

But then a new site leader–let’s call him George–took over at Jennifer’s company. He quickly became known throughout the company as “The Commandant.” He was decisive, contentious, demanding and demeaning: a can-do leader…

Read the full Blog at the Huffington Post

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