Call for Submissions: Confronting the Environmental Impacts of War – Special Edition of Peace Studies Journal

Call for Papers, Book and Film Reviews, Best Teaching Practices, and Reviewers for Special Edition of the Peace Studies Journal

Confronting the Environmental Impacts of War

Publishing Date – April 2015

Guest Editor:
Dr. Joel Helfrich
Environmental Studies
Hobart & William Smith Colleges

The Peace Studies Journal is an international interdisciplinary free online open access peer-reviewed scholarly journal.


This special issue examines the ecological impacts of human wars throughout the world, specifically on non-human animals, plants, soil, water, and air—currently and in the past. Some examples include nuclear fallout, mines, testing on animals, dissenting artwork and movements connecting war and ecology, and the environmental impacts of weapons (Agent Orange, cluster bombs, and Depleted Uranium, and mining). This is an interdisciplinary journal open to all disciplines such as but not limited to anthropology, art, conservation biology, history, political science, and sociology.


The editor of this special edition seeks contributions that cover new stories, untold histories, and marginalized studies that connect war, antiwar, and Earth, including non-human animals. Peace Studies Journal seeks original, unpublished scholarly monographic research articles (2,000-10,000 words) and film, art, book, and other media review essays (maximum 3000 words). Also encouraged are such non-traditional contributions as photographic essays, poetry, dialogues, interviews, brief interventions, “conversations” between scholars and/or activists, and teaching notes and annotated course syllabi for our Teaching Peace Studies section. For more information regarding Peace Studies Journal and submission guidelines, visit:


Submissions should be sent to: Dr. Joel Helfrich ( Please put “PSJ” in the subject line.


The deadline to submit, essays, reviews, syllabi, interviews, reports, etc. is February 15, 2014.

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