Conflict and Peace Events at Columbia Next Week (11/3 – 11/7)


Immigration Reform: Why Has it Become the Third Rail of American

November 3, 2014 – 12:10pm – 1:20pm

Columbia Law School, JG 102B


AC4′s Peter Coleman Hosts “Casual Conversations” at Teachers College

November 5, 2014 – 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Teachers College, Zankel Hall 109 (RSVP Here)


Is Evil Still a Meaningful Concept Today?

November 5, 2014 – 6:15pm – 8:15pm

Columbia University Morningside Campus Heyman Center for the Humanities 2nd Floor Common Room


Who Are The Moldovans and Where Are They Heading? A Discussion on Identity, Human Rights, and Aspirations of the Citizen of the Republic of Moldova

November 06, 2014

12:00pm to 1:00pm

Columbia University Morningside Campus International Affairs Building, Room 1219


Occupy Central: Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement

November 06, 2014

12:00pm to 1:30pm

Columbia University Morningside Campus International Affairs Building, Room 918


The North Korean Human Rights Conundrum

November 6, 2014 – 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Columbia University Morningside Campus International Affairs Building, Room 918


Local Conflicts as a Global Challenge

November 06, 2014

5:00pm to 7:00pm

Columbia University, Morningside Campus, Earl Hall Auditorium


The Justice Forum: Reimagining Justice: Narratives of Inclusion

November 9, 2014 – 6:15pm – 8:15pm

Columbia University Morningside Campus, East Campus Heyman Center, 2nd Floor Common Room

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