Coleman interviewed in Turkish Weekly: “Dealing with ISIS”

Coleman2How might the U.S. collaborate with ISIS to stop the kidnapping and killing of hostages?

Here is a link to a paper Andrea Bartoli and I wrote on “Dealing with Extremists.”* It lays out a menu of options for responding to extremist groups like ISIS. But here are two critical thoughts. First, it is always a mistake to assume that all members of any group are the same (i.e., evil and insane). There are usually differences within groups, and some members may be more open to discussions and negotiations than others. Second, while the US Government may be constrained formally in how they can respond or communicate with such groups (by their own policies), other organizations – other nations, regional organizations, UN envoys, or members or NGOs, are less constrained and may be able to communicate with ISIS on their behalf (as long as the US can maintain deniability.

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