Peace Organizing Internships

The Washington Peace Center is a multi-issue, grassroots, anti-racist organization working for peace, justice and nonviolent social change in the metropolitan Washington D.C. area. We envision a world based on respect for people and the planet that is achieved through nonviolence, peace and social justice.

Our mission is to provide education, resources, and action for those working for positive social change and a world free from oppression. We strengthen the impact of peace and justice movements by:

1. Fostering greater collaboration among activist groups

2. Bridging the gap between global, national & local issues and communities, and

3. Providing the material support to achieve these goals.

Currently, the Peace Center serves as a central organizing and coalition hub for DC-based anti-war, social justice and peace-focused organizations. Our main program areas are:

1. Education: To provide educational programs and materials such as teach-ins, film series and quarterly publication of the Washington Peace Letter;

2. Community Resources: To facilitate and encourage cooperation among anti-war, peace and social justice groups and to provide resources and structural support for groups and individuals to work more effectively on their own campaigns and in collaboration with others;

3. Action: To provide assistance and leadership for public demonstrations and direct actions that contribute to world peace and justice.

Our Summer interns will work in our office on several projects. This may include:

• Attending community rallies and events put on by organizational allies to do outreach for WPC and report back.

• Keeping our online calendar up-to-date – the most comprehensive calendar of progressive events in the DC area.

• Assisting with our weekly Activist Alert email that goes out to almost 4000 people.

• Working with social networking tools and sites to promote and expand our presence on Twitter, Facebook and blogs.

• Helping WPC achieve its programmatic goals through promoting and helping to organize our educational events and trainings.


We encourage applicants to work on issues and projects that are important to them and that help them develop their skills. An ideal candidate will have some student organizing experience, background in activism or interest in politics and/or be excited to learn. They will be flexible, interested and engaged in all parts of social justice work, comfortable with computers, able to pick up programs quickly and eager to learn.


Interns will leave with a better understanding of the anti-war movement and local justice issues, be better equipped to work in coalitions and plan events, and will be a better activist. This internship is unpaid with a possible transportation stipend as needed.


Minimum of 20 hours and 3 days per week – four days preferred if possible. Start date is Mid May and will go through August 1st. Please describe in your cover letter when and how much you would be available.


No minimum education requirement. Dates flexible.

Application instructions: Send resume and cover letter to with subject line “Summer Peace Organizing Intern”

Washington Peace Center – – 202-234-2000



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