Teachers College Peace and Conflict Scholars Share Their Views: Giving Peace Education a Chance

From the Teachers College Office of External Affairs:

The issue of how to prevent or resolve conflict has moved front and center on the global stage. The past few years have brought revolutions and civil wars in the Middle East and other regions, some resolving peacefully and others not, prompting the U.S. Agency for International Development to issue a request for proposals related to Education in Crisis/Conflict-Affected and Fragile Environments. Here in the United States, the school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, have reignited fierce debate over gun control.

Teachers College has played a major role in developing and expanding the fields of conflict resolution and peace education. Through its Eisenhower Fellows Leaders Development Program, the College is reshaping an American military that increasingly rebuilds other nations as well as fighting with them. Here six TC experts on war weigh in on whether it can be prevented, and how.

Will we ever lay down our swords and shields?

[Read the full article here]

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