AC4 Sponsored Dynamic System Theory (DST) Innovation Lab, July 8-12

Over the past decade, scholars and practitioners have been working to employ new insights and methods from complexity science, dynamical systems and network theory to study and address violence, conflict and sustainable peace. Last year, a core group of scholars and practitioners convened to further this work through sharing – from both science and practice – the latest findings and challenges from work in this area. To expand this work, the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation Conflict and Complexity (AC4), the International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR) at Columbia University, The Institute of World Affairs (IWA) at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (S-CAR) at George Mason University are supporting the development of an Innovation Lab on Dynamical Systems Theory, Peace and Conflict.

The general goals of the Innovation Lab are to create opportunities, structures and support mechanisms to bring together experienced scholar-practitioners working with complexity science, conflict and peace to share leading-edge ideas, methods and practices and to inspire and support collaborative work in this area for moving the work forward.

The Innovation Lab will convene from MondayJuly 8th through Friday, July 12th, 2013.

Learn More About the DST Innovation Lab

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