2012 Practicum for Experiential Peacebuilding in Costa Rica

The Outward Bound Center for Peacebuilding is pleased to announce that they are accepting applications for the upcoming Practicum on Experiential Peacebuilding.

The Practicum on Experiential Peacebuilding is a program that combines a unique outdoor experience with experiential learning techniques in a multi-cultural environment. Participants will spend 7 days backpacking/hiking in Piedras Blancas, a remote lush hilly region accessible only by foot and horse and divided by the Savegre River. You will enjoy an overnight stay with a local Costa Rican family, join in a service activity, develop an experiential activity to try out with the group, and spend a day at the UPEACE Centre for Executive Education, U.N. mandated University for Peace, in Costa Rica.


Program Learning Objectives:

– To explore and learn the methodology and philosophy of experiential peacebuilding.

– To cultivate compassionate leadership and cross cultural awareness for sustainable change

– To learn, practice and apply conflict resolution and peacebuilding skills in an experiential context.

– To join active networks of peacebuilders.


June 16-24, 2012 (course starts 11am in San Jose and participants should not plan to fly out before 1pm on the 24th)


For more information, please send an email to practicum2012@outwardboundpeace.org or call (718) 943-1247. And check out the website: http://www.outwardboundpeace.org/programs/practicum-on-experiential-peacebuilding/ Deadline for Registration is March 15th, 2012.


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  • Joe Dirt says:

    I have recently been looking for wilderness programs that offer programs that focus on personal development, team building and leadership. I am still researching them but I am interested to find out if any of these programs are offered in Costa Rica?

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