Peacebuilding in Practice: Panel & Discussion on Fieldwork
Peacebuilding in Practice: Panel & Discussion on Fieldwork
Friday, October 6, 1:00pm – 3:00pm | Everett Lounge, Teachers College
As part of our 3rd annual Perspectives on Peace, we are hosting this event focused on Peacebuilding in Practice: Panel and Discussion on Fieldwork along with our Columbia affiliated partners at the Morton Deutsch International Center on Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR) and the Masters Program on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution( NECR).
The interdisciplinary discussion will include a panel with Columbia professors who are practitioners and researchers in peacebuilding, including:
Zachary Metz teaches the Applied Peacebuilding course at SIPA and is the Director of Peacebuilding at Consensus.
Mary Mendenhall teaches courses in and directs the International and Comparative Education Program at Teachers College.
Joshua Fisher (moderator) teaches about Environmental Sustainability for the Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Program and is the Director of the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict and Complexity (AC4) at the Earth Institute.
Following the panel, students who have recently returned from fieldwork will also share about their experiences in the field and will lead further discussion. Student presenters include:
Kevin Nascimento, TC, M.A. Candidate
Allison Villegas Roman, M.S. in Climate and Society
Anika Juliann Michel, SIPA, M.I.A. Candidate
Kayum Ahmed, TC, Ph.D. Candidate
Adam Pekor, Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology Department, M.A. Conservation Biology Candidate
Participants will questions about their research, experiences in the field, and any recommendations or suggestions they have for re-integrating upon return from fieldwork and for preparing to conduct research in the coming year or looking ahead.
Panel of Fieldwork Advisers & Researchers, 1:00pm
Student Presentations, 2:00pm
Networking with Refreshments, 2:30pm