Snapshot of AC4 Applied Research in Papua New Guinea
AC4 Director Josh Fisher led a field project in Papua New Guinea studying the environmental impacts of a gold mine in Porgera and investigating human rights implications. Dr. Fisher along with Professor Sarah Knuckey from the Human Rights Law Clinic led a team of scientists and human rights lawyers worked from December 2015 to January 2016 to conduct environmental sampling and community dialogues, and to facilitate stakeholder meetings.
Highlights from this most recent four-week trip include the delivery of results of the previous phase of the study to the indigenous communities living near the industrial gold mine, community consultations explaining the assessment of metal contaminants found across the watershed, further development on recommendations for improving water security and conditions around the mine, and stakeholder meetings with human rights advocacy groups as well as government officials and parliament to address the environmental and social human rights’ concerns related to large-scale mining in the rural area of the country.

To find out more about this project and associated work investigating sexual assaults by security forces near the mine, please visit:
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