April 10-11: The Darian Dialogue: Conflict Mediation Simulation

The International Conflict Resolution Specialization at SIPA is hosting a mediation simulation on April 10-11th. This is a unique opportunity to gain practical international mediation skills under the guidance of mediation experts and professional trainers – details below!

The Darian Dialogue: Conflict Mediation Simulation

From Bosnia to Syria, the mediation of civil conflict has taxed some of the finest diplomats of our age. This detailed, multi-day simulation invites participants to grapple with some of the same difficult strategic and tactical choices faced by real peacemakers. A small, middle-income European state is descending into chaos: players will take the role of two warring factions; the minorities stuck in the middle; neighbouring states; and the United Nations and the European Union. Players will be provided with detailed information on the scenario, including private, faction-specific briefings, and they will be responsible for how the crisis unfolds. The simulation will also be moderated by experts in (and veterans of) real-world conflict resolution, who will also lead a substantial debriefing after the conclusion.
The simulation will be run by Adrian Johnson, Director of Publications at RUSI and a Research Fellow focusing on UN peace operations.

APRIL 10-11, 2015 

Friday 4.30 pm – 7.00 pm  

Saturday 9.00 am – 5.00 pm 

International Affairs Building

To register:  please contact mmv2127@columbia.edu or ra2748@columbia.edu.

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