Eastern Mennonite University Hiring Two Peacebuilding Faculty

EMU is searching for two new members of the faculty – one for the graduate program at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (CJP) and one for the undergraduate Peacebuilding and Development (PXD) program. Both faculty members will teach a mix of graduate and undergraduate courses.

At CJP, we are looking for a new faculty member who combines restorative justice (RJ) and peacebuilding with a particular emphasis on the application of RJ to issues of structural or systemic harms. This is a full-time, tenure track position. Part of the job will involve collaborating with others to create an RJ minor for the undergraduate division.

In the PXD program, we are looking for a new faculty member with a specialty in community and international development. This position is currently a 2-year temporary hire that will convert to tenure-track if enrollment justifies continuation of the position. EMU is exploring the creation of a humanitarian action minor and a humanitarian action leadership graduate certificate. The ideal candidate would also understand the linkages among development, humanitarian action and peacebuilding, because part of the job description involves providing leadership for the development portion of PXD and input and leadership for new humanitarian programs.

In both cases, we are looking for individuals with professional experience as well as academic credentials. The undergraduate program, like CJP, focuses on preparing students for professional practice. Faculty are expected to mentor students related to professional preparation.

Details and instructions for submitting applications can be found in the job announcements located at:




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