Conflict and peace events at Columbia University: 3/17 to 3/28

(Note: Columbia University will be on Spring Recess from 3/17 to 3/21)

AC4-Logo-(web-v3) 280pPeace and Conflict at Columbia: Conversations from the Leading-Edge (radio show)

Interview w/ Severine Autesserre

March 17, 2014

9:00pm to 9:30pm



From Harm to Home: International Rescue Committee on Refugee Rights and Resettlement

March 25, 2014

12:10pm to 1:10pm

Columbia Law – JG 101


Transnational Justice and the Prosecution of the 1989 Jesuit Massacre in El Salvador

March 25, 2014

7:00pm to 8:00pm

Fordham University, Lincoln Center Campus, E. Gerald Corrigan Center, 12th Floor.


The Future of Rights Activism in China

March 26, 2014

12:10pm to 1:10pm

Columbia Law – JG Annex


Conflict in Crisis: On the Ground in Syria, Burma and Nigeria: A Talk with Amb Fredrick Barton

March 26, 2014

2:00pm to 4:00pm

International Affairs Building, Room 1512


CUEGR: Positive adjustment among American repatriated prisoners of the Vietnam War: Modeling the long-term effects of captivity

March 26, 2014 – 4:00-5:30pm

Allan Rosenfield Building, 722 West 168th St., 8th floor auditorium


The Military Technology Series: A Talk with Col. Scott Campbell

March 27, 2014

12:15pm to 2:00pm

International Affairs Building, Room 1302


On the Long Road to Mass Incarceration: A Genealogy of Public Health, Public Safety, and Racial Containment Policies

March 27, 2014

1:15pm to 2:45pm

Allan Rosenfield Building, 722 West 168th St. Room: 8th Floor Auditorium

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