Kent State Doctoral track in Conflict Analysis and Management

The Kent State Department of Political Science and the Center for Applied Conflict Management announce the creation of a track in “Conflict Analysis and Management” in the Political Science Ph.D degree.*  KSU’s Department of Political Science has offered a popular doctorate since the late 1960s. The Center for Applied Conflict Management (CACM) is a long-time leader in peace and conflict studies both in the state and nationally.

Established in 1971 as a “living memorial” to the KSU students killed on May 4, 1970 by the Ohio National Guard, CACM’s undergraduate degree in Applied Conflict Management is the country’s largest such program. Now political science doctoral students can also benefit from the award-winning teaching and research of the Center’s conflict management faculty members by choosing the Conflict Analysis and Management track in the Political Science PhD. It is the only such doctoral program available in the state of Ohio.

CACM Director and Professor Patrick Coy says that “This means that doctoral students receive the best of both worlds: they obtain a doctorate in a traditional discipline like political science even while the Conflict Analysis and Management concentration sets them apart, establishing them as experts in the cutting-edge and evolving field of conflict management. They can market themselves as both political scientists and conflict management specialists, expanding their employability.”

For more information:

Dr. Michael Ensley, Graduate Studies Coordinator, Department of Political Science: 330 672 8933;
Department of Political Science graduate program website:

Dr. Landon Hancock, Associate Professor, Center for Applied Conflict Management: 330 672 0904;
Center for Applied Conflict Management website:
All applications for the Political Science PhD degree, including the “Conflict Analysis and Management” track, must be made online.  Please see:

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