Tenure-Track Position: Social Psychology, Clark University

The Department of Psychology invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor (tenure-track) to begin in August 2014. Clark University offers the advantages of both a distinguished research university and a small liberal arts college (see http://www.clarku.edu/~psydept).

The Psychology Department has Ph.D. programs in Social, Clinical, and Developmental Psychology. We seek a social psychologist (holding a Ph.D. in social psychology by the time of the appointment) who examines important social issues by including broad cultural, societal, and structural level analysis, as well as basic individual processes. The ideal candidate should be interested both in theory and application related to socially relevant issues, competent in a variety of methods, have experience working in diverse contexts and with community samples, and provide synergistic links with the other programs in the department as well as with other University programs such as Communication and Culture, Race and Ethnic Relations, Women’s and Gender Studies, Peace Studies, or the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Candidates should have an established area of research that shows promise for obtaining external funding. The successful candidate should be able to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in research methods or statistics and seminars and lecture courses in social psychology, including their field of interest as well as general topics in social psychology such as attitudes, persuasion, emotion, or group and intergroup processes.

All applications are to be submitted electronically to the following e-mail address: socialpsychsearch2013@clarku.edu. Applicants should submit a statement of research and teaching interests, CV, and three copies of the publications they consider their best contribution to the field (this can include work under review). Three letters of recommendation should be sent directly as files to the Chair of the Search Committee to the e-mail address provided above. Full consideration will be given to all applications received by October 7, 2013.

Clark University is committed to sustaining a diverse and inclusive community of faculty, students, and staff with the conviction that such an environment catalyzes learning and cultivates ethical, well-informed, and well-prepared citizens. To this end, we are especially interested in qualified candidates whose research, teaching, and service reflect active engagement with varied perspectives and constituencies.  We are an affirmative action/equal employment opportunity university and we strongly encourage women and members of minority groups to apply. AA/EEO.

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