New Article in Psychology Today by AC4’s Peter T. Coleman: Communicating with Rogue States: The Power of the Weak

peter colemanSyria, North Korea, and Iran. Today these three nations share the dubious distinction of being labeled by the international community as well-armed rogue states ruled by leaders who are insane, criminal, or worse and who pose grave threats to regional stability and peace. They also share the fact that they have completely stymied the UN, the US and most of the international community, who currently appear to have few viable solutions on the table for mitigating the escalating hostilities and rhetoric.

How can the UN or the US break these deadlocks and avert new waves of atrocities or nuclear catastrophe? Most likely, they can’t. Constrained by their own policies, histories, symbolism and strategies, they are probably among the last actors in the international community with the power to ratchet down tensions with these nations. They are ironically too prominent and powerful…

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