June 11-13: Professional Training Program on the Prevention of Mass Atrocities

11-13 June 2013, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


The Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies will be hosting a two-and-a-half day, non-credit, professional training program focused on the prevention of genocide and mass atrocity crimes. The event will be held at Concordia University in Montreal from the morning of Tuesday, 11 June to Thursday, 13 June 2013, mid-day. This program is tailored to mid- to senior-level professionals interested in the prevention and interdiction of mass atrocity crimes.

For this special training program, MIGS Distinguished Senior Fellow and Canadian Senator, Roméo Dallaire, and former Canadian Minister of Justice, Irwin Cotler, have already confirmed their participation. Other expert instructors include Simon Adams (Executive Director of the Global Center for the Responsibility to Protect), Colette Mazzucelli (Adjunct Associate Professor at the Center for Global Affairs, New York University), Allan Thompson (Professor of Journalism at Carleton University), Bessma Momani (Senior Fellow at the Centre For International Governance and Innovation in Waterloo, Ontario, and Brookings Institution in Washington, DC), Claudia Diaz (UN Office for the Prevention of Genocide), Susan Benesch (Fellow at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum/Senior Fellow at the World Policy Institute), Frank Chalk (Director of MIGS at Concordia University), and Kyle Matthews (Senior Deputy Director of the Will to Intervene Project and New Leader at the Carnegie Council on Ethics in International Affairs).

Participants will earn a Certificate of Completion of Training.


The training program will be divided into eight thematic sessions presented by internationally-recognized experts and instructors in the field of genocide prevention. Topics are:

  • International Law and the Genocide Convention
  • The Responsibility to Protect
  • Will to Intervene and the Role of National Governments
  • The Role of Journalists in Genocide Prevention
  • The Role of the UN and Regional Organizations in Preventing Mass Atrocities
  • Mobilizing Technology for Prevention
  • Case study on the Arab Spring
  • Case Study on Kenya and Hate Speech


The Professional Training Program on the Prevention of Mass Atrocities is open to any professional with several years of experience in a field relevant to human rights, international affairs, international security, and international development. These could include:

  • Government agency officials, senior staff, and military personnel
  • Policy-makers, diplomats, and think tank officials
  • Staff and officers of NGOs and community-based organizations
  • Staff and officers of international organizations
  • Advocates and activists
  • Scholars and researchers
  • Journalists and media professionals
  • Politicians and political aides

For more information and to register, please visit: http://migs.concordia.ca/Professionaltrainingprogram.htm

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