March 28: A Conversation with Rochelle Arms, Chair, International Section, Association of Conflict Resolution (ACR)

Thursday, March 28, 2013; Lerner 503

Rochelle Arms will be joining us at our next Ancors meeting to share the work of the ACR International Section. The group builds international networks to connect members and colleagues to resources and expertise, build global awareness, and promote “capacity building for the effective resolution of disputes and conflict management in all nations and regions of the world.” (

The section established CR Networks and the Linkedin International Conflict Resolution Portal Group, which many of you are already members and leads the International Development Committee supporting mentoring, and sharing job opportunities and consulting assignments.

You can find the portal group at :

In addition to her role as Chair of the ACR International Section, she is also the Restorative Justice Coordinator at the New York Peace Institute and a Rotary Peace Fellow.

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