Volunteer Position Open at IMTD
The Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy is looking for a Program Manager to lead the Climate Change Program. The overall goal is to engage people in developing prevention and adaptation strategies for climate change. A key project in the program is the iamoneinabillion.org web site which encourages people around the world to engage their governments to make climate change prevention a policy priority. This Program Manager would be responsible to promote the web site extensively, and develop it to become a forum for international dialogue on climate change effects and strategies.
You will be able to recruit unpaid staff as needed.
The ideal Program Manager will have good management skills, be a creative problem solver, and have the personality to engage a wide variety of people at all levels of civil society.
Requirements: Must have completed or be enrolled in a graduate degree program. Must be willing to commit to work in our Arlington, Virginia location for at least a year. The position is currently unpaid, but we will pay you if you raise the funds to cover your salary.
If interested please contact:
Karen Dickman
Executive Director
Water Program Manager
Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy
1901 North Ft. Myer Dr., Suite 405
Arlington, VA 22209
Phone: 703.528.3863
Fax: 703.528.5776
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