Peace Parade 2012, June 10, 2012 – Volunteers Needed

The Peace Parade is seeking individuals to volunteer and support the parade on June 10, 2012.  Learn more about the parade here. A messsage from the parade coordinators is below.


We are seeking Peace Ambassadors, Animodule Caretakers, Movers & Shakers and Crafty Types to volunteer and support the parade!

Who are Peace Ambassadors?

Some parades have Marshals, but Peace Parade 2012 has Peace Ambassadors – who will work with a team of Peace Ambassadors to make sure the parade runs smoothly.

Basic Duties of Peace Ambassadors:

• Be available on Sunday June 10 from 12 – 5 PM.

• Direct the Peace Parade, keep it moving and safe.

• Be firm, but friendly.

• Be pleasant and helpful.

• Have fun, be respectful, play well with others

To volunteer as a Peace Ambassador, email Doctor Adventure at

Who are Animodule Caretakers?

It takes two people to properly care for an Animodule, so volunteer with a friend, a sibling or your partner of choice and help guide these creative peace makers in the parade. Animodules are works of art animated by the love, dedication, and creativity of Newark NJ’s youth.

Basic Duties of Animodule Caretakers:

• Be available on Sunday June 10 from 1 – 5 PM.

• Guide, direct and move with mobile animal sculpture

• Have fun, be respectful, play well with others.

To volunteer as an Animdodule Caretaker, email Athena at

Who are “Dance of the Frogs” Volunteers?

Artist, Antonio Alonso, is seeking 11 volunteers who like to move, to adorn his colorful painted cloths along the parade route for a Dance of the Frogs.

Basic Duties of Dance of the Frogs Volunteers:

• Be available on Sunday June 10 from 1 – 5 PM.

• Move, dance, express with a beautiful piece of free flowing art work.

• Have fun, be respectful, play well with others.

To volunteer as a “Dancer,” email Antonio Alonso at

Who are Craft and Art and Bike decorating Table Volunteers?

Volunteers will help people make fun and wearable art and decorate their bikes for Peace Parade 2012

Basic Duties of Table Volunteers:

• Be available on Sunday June 10 from 10 AM – 12 Noon

• Friendly and patient

• Have fun, be respectful, play well with others.

To volunteer as a table volunteer, email

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