EPA Climate Change Website Removed

Silencing Science Tracker

EPA Climate Change Website Removed

On April 28, 2017, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) removed its climate change website and posted a message indicating that the site is being updated “to reflect EPA’s priorities under the leadership of President Trump and Administrator Pruitt.” The site included various pages relating to EPA’s collection of climate change data and efforts to mitigate climate change. An archived version of the pages, as they existed on January 19, 2017, remains available.

Update: On February 27, 2018, members of the House of Representatives Safe Climate Caucus wrote to President Trump to protest the removal of climate change information from EPA and other agency websites. The Caucus members expressed “concern” that the removals “fundamentally interfere with the American public’s ability to access reliable information” about climate change and thus may “violate the intent of the Federal Records Act.”

As of November 1, 2018, EPA had not launched an updated version of the climate change website. The message indicating that the site is being updated had been removed and replaced with a page stating: “We want to help you find what you are looking for.” The page includes links to search other areas of the EPA website. It also includes a link to the archived version of the climate change website (as it existed in January 2017).


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