Bill Misrepresenting Causes of Climate Change Introduced in Montana
Bill Misrepresenting Causes of Climate Change Introduced in Montana
On February 7, 2019, a bill (House Bill 418) was introduced in the Montana legislature that misrepresents key scientific findings with respect to climate change. The bill states:
“(a) reasonable amounts of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere have no verifiable impacts on the environment;
(b) science shows human emissions do not change atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions enough to cause climate change;
(c) claims that carbon associated with human activities causes climate change are invalid; and
(d) nature, not human activity, causes climate change.”
Those claims would, if the bill is enacted, be declared officials “findings” of the Montana state legislature. The findings would need to be offered “when providing educational and informational materials on climate change.
Update: On February 20, 2019, the Montana House Natural Resources Committee voted not to advance House Bill 418. |
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