Agency: AL

Agency: AL
Date | Action | Agency | Explanation | Scientists Affected | Summary | |
2019-05-15 | Bill Misrepresenting the Science of Fetal Development Introduced in Alabama | AL, State | Bias and Misrepresentation | Other | A bill was passed by the Alabama legislature that includes an inaccurate description of fetal development. The bill states that “a baby’s heart starts to beat at around six weeks,” but a six-week-old embryo does not yet have developed organs, such as a heart. |
2018-01-18 | Bill Undermining Teaching of Evolution Introduced in Alabama | AL, State | Interference with Education | Other | A bill was introduced in the Alabama legislature that would, if enacted, allow teachers to present the theory of creation as an alternative to evolution. |
2017-05-02 | Proven Scientific Theories Questioned by Alabama Legislature | AL, State | Interference with Education | Climate, Other | The Alabama legislature passed a resolution labeling climate change, evolution, and human cloning as “controversial” theories and encouraging teachers to question their accuracy. |
2017-04-19 | Climate Science Misrepresented by Alabama Attorney General | AL, State | Bias and Misrepresentation | Climate | Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall filed an amicus brief in Exxon Mobil v. Schneiderman. The brief questions the scientific consensus on climate change and the conclusion that it will be “sufficiently dangerous to require urgent policy responses.” |