Agency: DOI

Agency: DOI
Date | Action | Explanation | Agency | Excerpt | |
2019-03-15 | BLM Opens 9 Million Acres of Sage Grouse Habitat for Drilling and Mining | Management Plan | BLM, DOI | BLM opened approximately 9 million acres of sage grouse habitat to extractive use, including oil and gas development. |
2018-09-19 | BLM Repeals Key Provisions of Methane Waste Prevention Rule | Regulatory action | BLM, DOI | BLM published a final rule repealing key provisions of the Methane Waste Prevention Rule and re-instating earlier regulations. |
2018-01-04 | DOI Proposes Expansion of Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling | Regulatory action | DOI | DOI proposed a new National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2019-2024, which would make over ninety-percent of the outer continental shelf available for oil and gas development. |
2017-12-22 | DOI Issues Order to Rescind Climate and Mitigation Policies | Agency order, Agency policy | BLM, DOI | DOI issued Secretarial Order 3360, which rescinds the DOI’s climate and mitigation policies and directs BLM to review the Draft Regional Mitigation Strategy for the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska and begin revisions to ensure it is consistent with the administration’s energy dominance goals. |
2017-10-05 | BLM Proposes to Suspend Key Requirements of Methane Waste Prevention Rule | Regulatory action | BLM, DOI | BLM has issued a proposal to temporarily suspend or delay some of the key requirements of the Methane Waste Prevention Rule until Jan. 17, 2019. Comment deadline: Nov. 6, 2017. |
2017-08-25 | Unified Agenda Lists Planned Deregulatory Actions | Regulatory action | DOI, EPA | The Fall 2017 update to the Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions lists a variety of planned actions to rescind or revise regulations aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. |
2017-08-07 | Department of Interior Repeals Coal, Oil, and Gas Valuation Rule | Regulatory action | DOI | DOI repealed a Coal, Oil, and Gas Valuation Rule which was aimed at boosting revenue for taxpayers and states by changing how energy companies value sales of coal, oil, and gas extracted from federal and tribal land. |
2017-06-22 | DOI Seeks Input on Rules to Repeal, Replace, or Modify | Regulatory action | DOI | DOI is seeking public input on regulations that may be appropriate for repeal, replacement, or modification, consistent with President Trump’s Executive Order on Promoting Energy Independent and Economic Growth. DOI has stated that no deadline for the receipt of comments on this effort has been established at this time and that it will review comments on an ongoing basis. |
2017-06-19 | DOI and NPS Rescind Policy for Managing National Parks in Context of Continuous Change | Agency policy | DOI, NPS | DOI and NPS rescinded NPS Director’s Order #100, which established policies to manage NPS resources on the basis of science and in the context of “continuous change”. |
2017-06-15 | BLM postpones the compliance dates for Methane Waste Rule | Regulatory action | BLM, DOI | BLM issued a federal register notice announcing that it was postponing the compliance dates for certain provisions of the Methane Waste Prevention Rule (finalized on November 10, 2016), which aims to reduce waste of natural gas (methane) from oil and natural gas production activities on federal and tribal land. |
2017-05-11 | DOI Initiates Review of National Monuments Under Trump Directive | Regulatory action | DOI | DOI announced that it is is conducting a review of certain National Monuments designated or expanded since 1996 under the Antiquities Act of 1906 in order to implement Executive Order 13792 on the Review of Designations Under the Antiquities Act (April 26, 2017). |
2017-05-01 | DOI Issues Orders Aimed at Promoting Fossil Fuel Development, Implementing Trump Policies | Agency order | DOI | DOI signed two secretarial orders (Nos. 3350 and 3351) aimed at removing barriers to fossil fuel development on public lands and waters. |
2017-04-28 | Trump Signs Executive Order to Expand Offshore Drilling | Executive Order | Commerce, DOI | President Trump signed an Executive Order on Implementing an America-First Offshore Energy Strategy which contains several directives aimed at expanding offshore drilling. Most notably, it revokes Obama-era decisions to withdraw certain areas of the OCS in Alaska and the Atlantic Cost from leasing and directs the Department of Interior to consider revising the lease schedules for those and other OCS areas to allow oil and gas production “to the maximum extent permitted by law.” |
2017-04-26 | Trump Issues Executive Order Demanding Review of National Monuments | Executive Order | DOI | President Trump issued an Executive Order on the Review of Designations Under the Antiquities Act, which directs the Secretary of the Interior to review national monuments that were designated in the past 21 years to determine whether such monument designations contradict the objectives of the Antiquities Act or “create barriers to achieving energy independence, restrict public access to and use of Federal lands, burden State, tribal, and local governments, and otherwise curtail economic growth.” |
2017-03-30 | Democratic Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Overturn Trump’s Executive Order on Climate Change | Congressional action | All, BLM, DOI, EPA | Thirty-six house democrats introduced a bill to overturn President Trump’s “Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth” order. The “Congressional Leadership in Mitigating Administration Threats to the Earth (CLIMATE) Act” (H.R. 1812) declares the president’s document null and void and would prohibit federal funds for implementing, administering or enforcing it. Democratic senators have also introduced companion legislation. |
2017-03-29 | DOI Issues Orders to Terminate Coal Leasing Moratorium and Environmental Review, Reconsider Climate Change Policies and Guidance | Agency order | DOI | U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke signed two secretarial orders aimed at implementing President Trump’s Executive Order on Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth. Secretarial Order 3348 revokes Secretarial Order 3338, thus terminating the moratorium on federal coal leasing as well as the programmatic environmental review of the federal coal leasing program. Secretarial Order 3349 calls for a reexamination of the mitigation and climate change policies and guidance that the Department of Interior issued during the Obama administration, as well as all regulations related to U.S. oil and natural gas development. |
2017-03-28 | Trump Issues Executive Order on Climate Change | Executive Order | All, BLM, DOI, EPA | President Trump issued an executive order aimed at dismantling many of the key actions undertaken at the federal level to address climate change. The order directs EPA to review and potentially rescind or re-write important regulations such as the Clean Power Plan (CO2 emission standards for existing power plants), CO2 emission standards for new power plants, and methane emission standards for the oil and gas sector. It also revokes a number of executive orders and actions, including: guidance on calculating the social costs of greenhouse gas emissions, an imposing a moratorium on federal coal leasing, and guidance on how to account for climate change in environmental reviews. |
2017-01-24 | Trump Calls for Expedited Approval of Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines | Presidential Memorandum | DOI, State, USACE | President Trump issued two presidential memoranda instructing the Secretary of the Army to “take all actions necessary and appropriate” to expedite the approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines. |