Agency: USDA

Agency: USDA
Date | Action | Agency | Explanation | Scientists Affected | Summary | |
2019-08-30 | Trump Administration Limiting Scientific Input in Formulation of the USDA’s 2020 Dietary Guidelines | Federal, HHS, USDA | Bias and Misrepresentation | Other | The Trump administration is limiting the scope of scientific input into the USDA’s 2020 dietary guidelines |
2019-08-09 | White House Chief of Staff Claims USDA Move Was Deliberate Attempt to Reduce Agency Workforce | Federal, USDA | Personnel Changes | Other | Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said that moving USDA groups out of DC to Kansas City was done to reduce the agency’s workforce. |
2019-07-22 | USFS Removes References to Climate Change from Wilderness Webpage | Federal, USDA | Government Censorship | Climate | EDGI report shows that USFS removed references to climate change from its webpage about wilderness areas. |
2019-07-18 | USDA Officials Buried Climate Change Response Plan | Federal, USDA | Government Censorship | Climate, Other | The USDA buried a plan detailing how agriculture can adapt to climate change |
2019-06-24 | USDA Buries Studies that Show Damages from Climate Change | Federal, USDA | Government Censorship | Climate, Other | Scientists at the USDA claim that the agency has deliberately failed to publicize research publications that address the impact of climate change |
2019-03-11 | USDA Budget Cuts Proposed for FY20 | Federal, USDA | Budget Cuts | Climate, Other | The Trump administration’s FY2020 budget proposes to cut USDA funding by 14.8% (compared to FY2019 levels). The cuts would affect several USDA research programs, including the Agricultural Research Service which would see its funding decline by 9.5%, and the National Agricultural Statistics Service which would see its funding decline by 14.7%. |
2019-01-12 | USDA Scientists Prevented from Attending Scientific Conference | Federal, USDA | Government Censorship | Other | Hundreds of scientists from the U.S. Department of Agriculture were prevented from attending the 27th Annual Plant and Genome Conference due to the partial government shutdown. |
2019-01 | Scientific Conference Cancelled by USDA Due to Partial Government Shutdown | Federal, USDA | Government Censorship, Research Hindrance | Climate, Other | Citing the partial federal government shutdown, the U.S. Department of Agriculture cancelled its 30th annual Research Forum on Invasive Species, which had been scheduled to take place from January 8 to 11. According to USDA officials, the forum will not be rescheduled during 2019, due to difficulties “coordinating with speakers and the hotel.” |
2018-08-14 | USDA Scientists Prevented from Researching “Politically Contentious” Topics | Federal, USDA | Research Hindrance | Climate, Other | A survey of federal government scientists found evidence of political interference in scientific research at USDA. The survey found, among other things, that resources have been shifted away from USDA programs and offices involved in “politically contentious” research. |
2018-07 | USDA Scientists Ordered to Label Peer-Reviewed Research “Preliminary” | Federal, USDA | Bias and Misrepresentation | Climate, Other | Scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture were directed to include, on all research published in scientific journals, a statement indicating that “[t]he findings and conclusions in this preliminary publication have not been formally disseminated by the” department. |
2018-02-12 | USDA Budget Cuts Proposed for FY19 | Federal, USDA | Budget Cuts | Climate, Other | The Trump administration’s FY2019 budget proposes to cut USDA funding by 16.4% (compared to FY2017 levels). Under the budget, funding for a number of USDA research programs, including statistical research programs administered by the Economic Research Service, would be reduced or eliminated. |
2017-10 | Forest Service Scientist Prevented from Attending Conference | Federal, USDA | Government Censorship | Climate | A U.S. Forest Service scientist was denied approval to travel to an international fire conference where he was scheduled to speak on severe fire weather conditions and climate change. |
2017-07-27 | Climate Change Information Removed from USDA Website | Federal, USDA | Government Censorship | Climate | Information on climate change mitigation and adaptation was removed, and then returned, to USDA’s “Climate Hubs” website. |
2017-07 | Non-Scientist Nominated for Top USDA Science Position | Federal, USDA | Personnel Changes | Other | President Trump nominated Sam Clovis, a former radio announcer and economics professor, with no “hard-science” qualifications to the USDA’s top science position. |
2017-05-23 | USDA’s FY18 Budget Cut by Trump Administration | Federal, USDA | Budget Cuts | Climate, Other | The Trump administration’s FY2018 budget proposed a 12% cut in funding for USDA climate and environmental research programs. |
2017-02-16 | USDA Staff Told to Avoid References to “Climate Change” | Federal, USDA | Self-Censorship | Climate | USDA staff were instructed to avoid using certain terms, including “climate change,” which should be replaced with “weather extremes.” |
2017-02 | Animal Welfare Documents Removed from USDA Website | Federal, USDA | Government Censorship | Other | Thousands of documents detailing animal welfare violations were removed from USDA’s website after being made publicly available for decades. |
2017-01 | Public Communication by USDA Staff Restricted | Federal, USDA | Government Censorship | Climate, Other | The Trump transition team instructed USDA staff not to send out press releases, post on social media or blogs, or update websites and to consult with senior officials before speaking to the media. |
2016-12 | Names of USDA Staff Working on Climate Change Requested | Federal, USDA | Personnel Changes | Climate | The Trump transition team requested information about USDA’s Office of Climate Change, including the names of all staff members. |