
Status under International Climate Change Law

  • UNFCCC: signature (June 4, 1992) and ratification (July 9, 1993)
  • KP: signature (April 29, 1998) and ratification (May 30, 2002)
    • Quantified emission limitation or reduction commitment: +1%
  • Vienna Convention: signature (March 22, 1985) and ratification (September 23, 1986)
  • Montreal Protocol: signature (September 16, 1987) and ratification (June 24, 1988)
  • LRTAP: signature (November 13, 1979) and ratification (February 13, 1981)
  • Energy Charter: signature (June 16, 1995)
  • Energy Efficiency Protocol: signature (June 16, 1995)
  • Espoo Convention: signature (February 25, 1991) and ratification (June 23, 1993).
  • 2030 CommitmentAt least 40% reduction in 2030 compared to 1990.

Status with regard to EU Law: Although not a member of the European Union (EU), Norway is a member of the European Economic Area (EEA) and must abide by EU legislation which is EEA relevant.

Federal Laws on Climate Change


Air protection


Forests and Land Use

Environmental Impact Assessment


National Plans, Programs and Initiatives

Local, State, and Regional Legislation and Initiatives

Government Documents

Factual Matters

Secondary sources

Updated as of: February 1, 2015