Status under International Climate Change Law
- UNFCCC: signature (13 June 1992) and ratification (28 Dec 1995)
- KP: ratification (25 Jan 2002)
Quantified emission limitation or reduction commitment: NA - Vienna Convention: signature (7 Feb 1986) and ratification (28 Dec 1995)
- Montreal Protocol: signature (7 Jan 1988) and ratification (28 Dec 1995)
- Energy Charter: signature (20 Sept 2012)
- Energy Efficiency Protocol: accession pending
- Espoo Convention: NA
- 2030 Commitment: Reduce GHG emissions 32% by 2030 compared to “business as usual” projected emissions.
Federal Laws on Climate Change
- Dahir No. 1-14-09 promulgates the Framework Law No. 99-12 concerning national charter of the environment and sustainable development (2014) [French]
Air Protection
- Dahir No. 1-03-61 enacting Law No. 13-03 on the fight against air pollution (2003) [French]
- Decree No. 2-09-631 laying down emission limit values release or discharge of pollutants into the air from stationary pollution sources and modalities of their control (2010) [French]
- Law No. 57-09 establishing the company ‘Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy’ (2010) [French]
- Law No. 13-09 on renewable energy (2010) [French]
- Law No. 16-09 on the National Agency for the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency (2010) [French]
- Decree No. 2-10-578 taken for the implementation of Law No. 13-09 on renewable energy (2011) [French]
- Decree No. 2-10-320 taken for the implementation of Law No. 16-09 on the National Agency for the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency (2011) [French]
- Dahir No 1-13-02 promulgating Law No. 06-12 approving the Statutes of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) (2013) [French]
Forests and Land Use
- Decree No. 2-04-503 on the functions and organization of the High Commission for Water and Forests and the fight against desertification (2005) [French]
- Dahir No. 1-10-123 enacting Law No. 22-07 relating to protected areas (2010) [French]
- Decree No. 2-10-342 approving the general terms for the sale of forest products cuts in state forests or subject to forestry regime (2011) [French]
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Dahir No. 1-03-09 enacting Law No. 11-03 on the protection and enhancement of the environment (2003) [French]
- Dahir No. 1-11-84 enacting Law No. 29-05 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora and regulating trade (2011) [French]
Government Documents
- First National Communication to the UNFCCC (2001) [French]. Executive Summary [en, fr]
- National Plan Against Global Warming (2009) [French]
- Second National Communication to the UNFCCC (2010) [French]
- Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (2010) [French]
Factual Matters
- United Nations Statistics Division, Environmental Statistics Snapshot (2013)
Secondary Sources
Summaries of legislation compiled from Nachmany, M., et al. 2014. “The GLOBE Climate Legislation Study: A Review of Climate Change Legislation in 66 Countries. Fourth Edition.” London: GLOBE International and the Grantham Research Institute, London School of Economics.
Updated as of: January 6, 2015