Maldives Country Profile (World Bank)
Status under International Climate Change Law
- UNFCCC: signature (12 Jun 1992) and ratification (9 Nov 1992)
- KP: signature (16 Mar 1998) and ratification (30 Dec 1998)
- Quantified emission limitation or reduction commitment: N/A
- Vienna Convention: Accession (26 Apr 1988)
- Montreal Protocol: signature (12 Jul 1988) and ratification (16 May 1989)
- Energy Charter: N/A
- Energy Efficiency Protocol: N/A
- Espoo Convention: N/A
- 2030 Commitment: 10% (24% conditional) below BAU by 2030
- INDC summary – includes LULUCF and gases covered (Center for Climate and Energy Solutions 2015)
- INDC summary – includes adaptation and conditions for implementation (Climate Policy Observer 2016)
Federal Laws on Climate Change
Air protection
- Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) Regulation (2010) [Dhivesi]
Forests and Land Use
- Male Planning Regulation (2008) [Dhivesi]
- Regulation on the Conservation of Old Trees (2009) [Dhivesi]
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (2012) [Dhivesi]
- Compilation of Environmental Laws and Regulations (2012) [Dhivesi]
- Environmental Protection and Preservation Act (1993) [English] [Dhivesi]
- Regulation on the Protection and Conservation of Environment in the Tourism Industry (2006) [English] [Dhivesi]
- Regulation on Environmental Liabilities (2011) [Dhivesi]
National Plans, Programs and Initiatives
- National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) (2006) [English]
- National Energy Policy and Strategy (Ministry of Housing and Environment) 2010) [English]
- Maldives Climate Change Policy Framework (Ministry of Environment and Energy) (2015) [English]
- Investment Plan for Maldives 2013-2017 (SPREP) (2012) [English]
- Third National Environment Action Plan, 2009-2013 (Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment) (2009) [English]
- Support to Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Maldives (Global Climate Change Alliance) (2009) [English]
- National Disaster Management Centre (Government of the Maldives) [English]
- Maldives Climate Change Trust Fund (CCTF) (World Bank) [English]
Local, State, and Regional Legislation and Initiatives
- Climate Change Adaptation Programme (CCAP) (World Bank)
Government Documents
- First National Communication of the Republic of Maldives to the UNFCCC (2001) [English]
- Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) (2015) [English]
- Statement made at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) (2015) [English]
Additional Resources
- Climate Change Strategies: Maldives (Asia Regional Integration Center)
- IRENA report: Maldives (2015)
- National Adaptation to Climate Change (Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment) (2009)
Updated as of: March 31, 2016