
Status under International Climate Change Law

  • UNFCCC: signature (12 June 1992), ratification (6 January 1995), and entry into force (6 April 1995)
  • KP:  ratification (28 June 1999) and entry into force (16 February 2005)
  • Quantified emission limitation or reduction commitment: N/A
  • Vienna Convention: accession (31 March 1993)
  • Montreal Protocol: accession (31 March 1993)
  • London Amendment: accession (31 March 1993)
  • Copenhagen Amendment: ratification (4 February 1998)
  • 2020 Pledge: No pledge made
  • Flagship/National Plan: Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan


Federal Laws on Climate Change


  • Climate Change Policy Framework and Action Plan (2013) [English] aims to improve the development and growth of the nation while developing ways to methods to cooperatively, effectively, and sustainably mitigate climate change.
  • National Policy for the Trading of Carbon Credits (2010-2030) [English] aims to reduce Jamaica’s greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint while gearing Jamaica towards sustainable development. By taking advantage of the international carbon market, this policy creates a framework that generates carbon credits and a carbon credits trading system in Jamaica.

Air protection


  • Ministry of Energy and Mining Long-Term National Energy Policy (2009-2030) [English] works together with the Vision 2030 Jamaica plan to develop efficient, modern, and diverse energy solutions that are affordable, accessible, and sustainable.  The policy is also designed to develop renewable energy sources while increasing international competitiveness without increasing its carbon footprint.
  • Biofuels Policy (2010-2030) [English] aims to improve Jamaica’s national energy security and socio-economic development by creating a modern, efficient, diversified, and environmentally sustainable biofuels sector.
  • National Renewable Energy Policy (2010-2030) [English] is a key component of the National Energy Policy 2009-2030. This policy works to diversify fuel resources and develop renewable sources in order to promote security of energy.
  • National Energy from Waste Policy (2010-2030) [English] is a part of the National Energy Policy 2009-2030 that allows for the growth and national development of Jamaica. This policy fosters the creation of a sustainable waste management system.
  • Energy Conservation and Efficiency Policy (2010-2030) [English] move towards the significant reduction of national energy consumption by facilitating the engagement of all economic centers. In conjunction with proposed changes in Jamaica’s economy, this policy aims to stimulate energy conservation and reduce national overall energy intensity.

Forests and Land Use

  • The Forest Act (enacted 1996, amended 2001) [English] appoints the National Forestry Agency as the main entity responsible for forests on crown land. Under this law, the National Forestry Agency establishes rules on direction and control of forest resources, promotes reforestation, conducts research, and develops recreational activities in the forest.

Environmental Impact Assessment

  • Vision 2030 (2007) [English] is Jamaica’s flagship environmental legislation, focusing on sustainable economic development in order to reach develop country status by the year 2030. The plan’s main goals strive to ensure that Jamaica’s development works in harmony with the natural environment to diversify energy supply, promote of energy efficiency and conservation, improve watersheds, and mitigate climate change.


Government Documents


Factual Matters


Key Litigation


NGO Resources


Secondary sources


Updated as of: 12 July 2014