Status under International Climate Change Law
- UNFCCC: signature (12 June 1992) and ratification (27 Oct 1995)
- KP: ratification (18 Nov 2005)
o Quantified emission limitation or reduction commitment: NA
- Vienna Convention: accession (12 Nov 2002)
- Montreal Protocol: accession (12 Nov 2002)
- Energy Charter: NA
- Energy Efficiency Protocol: NA
- Espoo Convention: NA
Federal Laws on Climate Change
- Decree-Law No. 11/2011 creating the National Institute of Meteorology (2011) [Portuguese]
Forests and Land Use
- Decree-Law No. 5/2011 approving the New Forestry Law (2011) [Portuguese]
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Law No. 10/2010 on Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation (2010) [Portuguese]
- Order creating the Environmental Impact Assessment Institution (2011) [Portuguese]
- Decree No. 59/93 approving the Statute of National Council of Environment (1993) [Portuguese]
- Law No. 1/2011 approving the Basic Legislation on Environment (2011) [Portuguese]
Government Documents
- National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2002) [French]
- Regional Strategy for Marine Protected Areas in West Africa (2003) [English]
- First National Communication to the UNFCCC (2005) [French]. Executive Summary [English]
- National Adaptation Programme of Action (2006) [English]
- National Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (2006) [English]
- Second National Communication to the UNFCCC (2011) [English]
Factual Matters
- United Nations Statistics Division, Environmental Statistics Snapshot (2013)
Updated as of: December 31, 2014