El Salvado

Status under International Climate Change Law

  • UNFCCC: signature (13 June 1992), ratification (4 December 1995), and entry into force (3 March 1995)
  • KP: signature (8 June 1998), ratification (30 November 1998), and entry into force (16 February 2005)
    Quantified emission limitation or reduction commitment: na
  • Vienna Convention: accession (2 October 1992)
  • Montreal Protocol: accession (2 October 1992)


Federal Laws on Climate Change


  • National Environmental Policy 30 May 2012 (Spanish) decrees that the government respond to climate change and environmental degradation, reducing risk and restoring ecosystems, and requires each government ministry to consider environmental concerns in their policies.
  • Civil Protection, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Law (Law no. 777) 31 August 2005 (Spanish) creates a national system that will adopt prevention, mitigation and response mechanisms to natural and anthropogenic related disasters, fostering public awareness.
  • Environment Law (Law no. 233) 4 March 1998 (Spanish) mandates that the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources address climate change and protect the ozone layer. The Law also adopts the Protected Area System, defending forests and natural resources.


  • 2010-2014 National Energy Policy (2010) (Spanish) requires that the energy sector implement energy efficiency measures, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and diversify the national energy mix.
  • Electricity Generation Law (Law No. 462) 20 December 2007 (Spanish) provides fiscal incentives for increased use of renewable energy, providing financial incentives for new projects and tax exemptions for investments related to Emission Trading Schemes, requiring that the projects register under the Clean Development Mechanism.

Forests and Land Use

  • 2011-2030 National Forest Policy Proposal (Decmeber 2012) (year) (Spanish) advances the reforestation of 15 percent of deforested areas, recognizing that deforestation has enlarged the country’s vulnerability to climate change.
  • Forest Act (Law no. 852) 17 June 2002 (Spanish) issues fiscal incentives for private sector reforestation, utilizing the economic valuation of forests. The “Forest Commission” is created to promote industry advancements and the sustainable use of forest resources.



Government Documents


Factual Matters

Secondary Sources

  • Cuellar, Nelson, et al., 2012. Informe sobre el estado y calidad de las politicas publicas sobre cambio climatico y desarollo en El Salvador. Plataforma Climatica Latino Americana, June [URL: www.intercambioclimactico.com]. Accessed 14 April 2014.

  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 2003. El Salvador frente al cambio climatico[URL: http://www.fao.org/docrep/006/AD440s/AD440s00.htm]. Accessed 14 April 2014.


Updated as of: April 10, 2014