Status under International Climate Change Law
- UNFCCC: signature (12 June 1992) and ratification (27 Aug 1995)
- KP: ratification (12 Mar 2002)
- Quantified emission limitation or reduction commitment: NA
- Vienna Convention: accession (30 July 1999)
- Montreal Protocol: accession (30 July 1999)
- Energy Charter: NA
- Energy Efficiency Protocol: NA
- Espoo Convention: NA
- 2030 Commitment: Unconditional pledge to reduce emissions by 40% by 2030, compared to a business-as-usual scenario, plus a conditional pledge to reduce emissions by a further 20%.
Federal Laws on Climate Change
- Decree No. 2004-0092 Creation of a National Commission for Sustainable Development (2004) [French]
- Decree No. 2007-0043 establishing a National Clean Development Mechanism Committee (2007) [French]
- Law No. 97/AN/00 on reorganization of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (1997) [French]
- Decree No. 2009-0218/PR/ENR establishing the National Commission of Energy (2009) [English]
Forests and Land Use
- Decree No. 99-0267 establishing the National Steering Committee for the Fight against Desertification (1999) [French]
- Decree No. 2001-0108 approving the National Action Plan for the Fight against Desertification (2001) [French]
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Decree No. 2011-029/PR/MHUEAT revising the environmental impact assessment procedure (2011) [English]
- Order No. 2004-0579/PR/MID Creation of a Technical Committee for the Preparation and Development of the National Strategy for Risk Management and Disaster (2004) [French]
- Act No. 140/AN/05/05 on National Policy and Risk Management of Disasters (2005) [French]
- Act No. 51/AN/09/L on 6th Environmental Code (2009) [English]
Government Documents
- First National Communication to the UNFCCC (2002) [French]. Executive Summary [en, fr]
- National Adaptation Programme of Action (2006) [French]
- Second National Communication to the UNFCCC (2014) [French]
Factual Matters
- United Nations Statistics Division, Environmental Statistics Snapshot (2013)
Updated as of: December 30, 2014