Status under International Climate Change Law
- UNFCCC: signature (13 June 1992), ratification (22 Mar 1995), and entry into force (20 June 1995)
- KP: ratification (30 Nov 2001) and entry into force (16 February 2005)
Quantified emission limitation or reduction commitment: na - Vienna Convention: accession (16 July 1990)
- Montreal Protocol: accession (6 Dec 1993)
- 2020 Pledge: Unilateral guarantee of a 77% share of renewables in national energy mix
Federal Laws on Climate Change
- National Development Plan 2010-2014 (Law No. 1450) 16 June 2011 (Spanish) establishes a roadmap for a comprehensive climate change programs, manifested in the Low-Carbon Development Strategy, a National Plan for Climate Change Adaption, and a National Strategy for REDD+, coordinated by the National Climate Change System.
- National Plan for Climate Change Adaption 31 August 2012 (Spanish) outlines objectives to build capacity with respect to climate change and risk management.
- National Program of Activities (PoA) for the Clean Development Mechanism (Resolution 2733 and 2734) 29 December 2010 (Spanish) regulates the coordinated entities for the implementation of CDM.
- Colombian Low-Carbon Development Strategy 2012 (Spanish) is a tool for implementing the National Development Plan (2010-2014) by advancing efficient low-carbon growth, identifying tailored plans for different sectors.
- Indicative Action Plan 2010-2015 (Resolution 18-09919) 1 June 2010 (Spanish) to develop the Program for a Rational and Efficient use of Energy and of other Non-Conventional Energy Sources. The Plan includes energy efficiency programs, differentiated for different sectors, and expands on the use of renewable energy technologies.
- National Energy Plan 2006-2025 10 October 2006 (Spanish) identifies the country’s energy needs and future energy supply sources in the context of global productivity and competiveness.
- Regulation of the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy as per Law 697 of 2001 (Decree 3683) 19 December 2003 (Spanish) asserts the government mandate to consider energy supply and environmental protection as within the public interest.
- National and territorial tax and penal norms (Law 788/2002) 27 December 2002 (Spanish)comprehensively reforms the tax codes and includes provisions for the development of renewable sources of energy.
- Law Promoting the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and the Use of Other Non-Conventional Energy Sources (Law 697) 3 October 2001 (Spanish) intends to develop instruments to develop non-conventional energy sources, focusing on regions that currently lack access to electricity.
Forests and Land Use
- National Forestry Development Plan 2000 (Spanish) strategizes mitigation efforts in the forestry sector, within the context of CDM principles and requirements.
Government Documents
- Colombian Constitution (1991)
- National Strategy Study for the Implementation of the Clean Development Mechanism (2011)
- National Communication to the UNFCCC (2001)
- Environmental Strategic Plan for the Farming Sector (PEASA)
Factual Matters
- National Planning Department (DNP)
- Environment, Housing and Territorial Development Ministry (MAVDT)
- Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology, and Environmental Studies of Colombia (IDEAM)
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR)
NGO Resources
Secondary Sources
- Comstock, Michael, Ignacio Santelices, and Anmol Vanamali (June 2012). Case Study: Colombia’s National Climate Change Process. Center for Clean Air Policy. [URL:]. Accessed 11 April 2014
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, 2007. Energy-policy Framework Conditions for Electricity Markets and Renewable Energies – 23 Country Analyses. German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development [URL:]. Accessed 10 April 2014.
- Library of Congress, 2010. A Country Study: Colombia [URL:]. Accessed 10 April 2014.
Updated as of: April 10, 2014