Status under International Climate Change Law
- UNFCCC: signature (13 June 1992), ratification (22 Dec 1994), and entry into force (22 March 1995)
- KP: signature (17 June 1998), ratification (26 Aug 2002), and entry into force (16 February 2005)
Quantified emission limitation or reduction commitment: na - Vienna Convention: signature and ratification (6 Mar 1990)
- Montreal Protocol: signature and ratification (19 Mar 1990)
- 2020 Pledge: Reduce 20% of emissions from business as usual
Federal Laws on Climate Change
National Climate Change Action Plan 2008-2012 4 December 2008 (Spanish) serves to generate information for a longer term climate policy, including an analysis on the climate situation and proposes strategies for adaptation, mitigation, and capacity-building.
- Resolution 370 18 July 2012 (Spanish) regulates subsidies for power transmission lines to facilitate access to the grid for renewable energy installations, decreasing investment risk and targeting 20% of energy from renewables by 2020.
- Law No. 20571 22 March 2012 (Spanish) modifies the General Law for Electric Services of 1982, regulating the payment of electricity tariffs for residential generators and allowing renewable installations to insert 100kW into the distribution grid.
- Tax Exemption for Solar Thermal Systems (Law No. 20.365) 19 August 2010 (Spanish) awards tax deductions that cover a portion of the costs of installation of new solar thermal systems and provides a 5-year consumer protection guarantee.
- Law on Non-Conventional Renewable Energies (Law No. 20.257) 1 April 2008 (Spanish) requires power sold by electricity companies that remove power from the grids to sell to distributors to generate at least a portion of their power from non-conventional renewable sources.
- Energy Efficiency Label Programme (Decree No. 298) 2007 (Spanish) regulates the third party certification process of products that employ electricity and fuels covering 14 products.
- Law modifying the General Electrical Services Law of 1982 (Law No. 19940) 13 March 2004 (Spanish) granted access to the spot market and the country’s power grid to producers of Non-Conventional Renewable Energy sources.
Law on Geothermal Energy (Law No. 19.657, Decree 34) 7 January 2000, 20 October 2004 (Spanish) provides rules for the exploration and development of geothermal energy.
Forests and Land Use
- Law on the Chilean Native Forest (Law No. 20.283) July 2008 (Spanish) establishes rules to protect and recover native forest species, by installing rules and defining subsides for the preservation and sustainable management of forests.
- Modification of Decree Law No. 701 (Law No. 19.561) 1998 (Spanish) established subsidies for protection and recovery of degraded soils in Chile and forestation activities from small landowners.
- General Law of the Environment (Law no. 19300) 13 November 2010 (Spanish) acknowledges mitigating climate change as a national priority.
Government Documents
- Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change by the Chilean Ministry of the Environment
- Results from COP 17 Durban, South Africa
Factual Matters
NGO Resources
Secondary Sources
- Expert Group on Energy-efficiency & Conservation (2012). Survey of Market Compliance Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency Programs in APEC Economies by the APEC Energy Working Group [URL: – file]. Accessed 7 April 2014.
Updated as of: April 1, 2014