Archived Materials
The materials below have not been updated for at least two years.
This large list of references organizes scholarship related to climate change-related law and policy. It was last updated in 2014.
U.S. Climate Legislation Tracker
The Climate Legislation Tracker project tracks federal legislation related to climate change. As presented here, it is current through July 2011. Given the limited current prospects for major federal climate legislation, we are focusing our efforts on tracking relevant regulations and progress on Obama’s climate agenda.
U.S. Climate Regulation Tracker
This webpage lists the growing body of U.S. regulations related to climate change. It organizes those regulations by their administering agency. The regulations administered by EPA are further broken down into substantive categories.
State and Local Climate Change Resource Center
In the absence of Congressional action on climate change, state and municipal governments across the country have taken action, adopting laws and policies on climate change, renewable energy, and energy efficiency. A number of sources do an excellent job in tracking these numerous state and local actions; this page links to what we have found to be some of the most useful databases.
Database of Municipal Green Building Laws
As a complement to our model ordinances project, the Sabin Center has compiled several databases of municipal green building laws. These include: nationwide database of municipal green building laws applying to public buildings and private buildings, a New York State database of municipal green building, alternative energy, and energy efficiency laws, and a nationwide database of local green building incentives.
U.S.-India Clean Energy Investment project
SCCCL’s Clean Energy Investment-India project took place from 2010 through 2012. The purpose of the project was to facilitate U.S. investments in clean energy projects in India, an estimated $1.1 trillion market. Toward this aim, the project developed contracts drafted in consultation with leading U.S. and Indian attorneys and experts. The Sujana Group generously provided financial support for this project.