Financing Mechanisms for Mitigation and Adaptation Material
- Financial Mechanisms
- REDD finance mechanisms: TFD Background Paper
- Non Carbon Market Financing for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in developing countries
- Investment and financial flows relevant to the development of an effective and appropriate international response to Climate Change
- Special Climate Change Fund
- Transitional Committee for the design of the Green Climate Fund
- Out of the Bunker: Time for a Fair Deal on Shipping Emissions: Oxfam/WWF Briefing Note (September, 2011)
- Financial Transaction Taxes for climate change and development: WWF Recommendation Paper (November, 2010)
- High-Level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing, WWF Recommendation Paper 2010
- The ABC of Climate Finance: The Involvement of Annex 1 countries, Banks, and Companies in Climate Finance, Report from Friends of the Earth International (December 2010)
- Capitalizing on Climate: The World Bank’s Role in Climate Change & International Climate Finance, Friends of the Earth (June 2010)
- Blending Climate Finance Through National Climate Funds, A Guidebook for the Design and Establishment of National Funds to Achieve Climate Change Priorities
- Rupert Edwards, The Green Climate Fund and the Implementation of Emission Reduction Underwriting Mechanisms